Survivor Game Changers Power Rankings After Episode 3

"Survivor Jackpot" - Jeff Probst addresses the three newly formed tribes on the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"Survivor Jackpot" - Jeff Probst addresses the three newly formed tribes on the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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“Survivor Jackpot” – Andrea Boehlke, Cirie Fields, Sarah Lacina and Troyzan Robertson on the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
“Survivor Jackpot” – Andrea Boehlke, Cirie Fields, Sarah Lacina and Troyzan Robertson on the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

6. Malcolm Freberg (18)

After coming in last following the premiere, Malcolm came back strong in episode 3 and, despite my best projections, actually benefitted from the tribe swap. His ego ultimately was swept under the rug for the time being. What’s more, the whole “eat the goat vs. don’t” situation made him look quite favorable on the new Nuku tribe. He was one of the leading proponents for letting the mama goat and the baby live, making him look much better than he did in the first episode. With that and his physical prowess still being a factor, he’s in a much better spot than anticipated.

More from Season 34 Game Changers

5. Cirie Fields (14)

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Cirie is an extremely savvy player. To have made it as close to the end as she has on numerous occasions isn’t some accidental feat. Her social and strategic game is among the strongest that anyone in Survivor history has ever played. So then, it shouldn’t come as a shock at how quickly she read the situation after the tribe swap and buried the hatchet with Ozzy. Her fellow fourth-time player is in a great spot right now and the two of them aligned together is something that could wind up being a pre-merge juggernaut.

4. Sierra Dawn-Thomas (2)

Sierra didn’t do anything ostensibly wrong to move down two spots in the Survivor Game Changers Power Rankings. She still has the Legacy Advantage in her clutches and is still in power after the tribe swap with her alliance with Brad established in the premiere still in tact. However, she also wasn’t particularly prevalent in the episode again, and was basically just following Brad’s direction after the swap. That’s not necessarily a wholly negative thing in either case. It is enough to take her down a notch in terms of power, though.