Survivor: David vs. Goliath – Winners and losers after the tribe swap

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Survivor David vs. Goliath Episode 4 Tribal Council Vuku
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

1) Winner: Davie Rickenbacker

It’s been three episodes and no one but Davie knows about his Hidden Immunity Idol. It almost feels like a Survivor record given how careless people are with their idols nowadays. Just think of how many people know about Dan’s idol!

Besides surviving the last Tribal Council with his idol intact, Davie is now on the only tribe that has more original David members than Goliaths. We also saw Davie’s great social play emerge as he was able to get all three Goliath members on his side. Even Natalia and Kara wanted to work with him. Add in Carl, and you have an additional David member who’s closest remaining ally is none other than Davie.

Needless to say, Davie is in a strong power position. If he can hold onto his idol and possibly learn about Carl’s secret advantage, then I could see Davie going far into this season of Survivor.

1) Loser: Kara Kay

No one got blindsided more than Kara last episode. She lost one of her closest allies in Natalia and is the only person left on her tribe that was on the wrong side of the votes. With Alec possibly gaining the trust of his David tribemates by betraying his Goliath members, if they lose the next immunity, there’s a good chance that Kara’s torch will be snuffed.

For her to extend her stay, she’ll have to either hope they can win Immunity Challenges till the merge or turn on Alec. If Kara is able to continue building relationships with a genuine attitude as she did with Elizabeth, she may be able to expose Alec as a dishonest player and survive another Tribal Council.