Most Invisible Survivor Contestants – – Number 6: Zoe, Marquesas (5)
The early seasons of Survivor were pretty good about giving everyone a fair edit, but Marquesas was the first season to buck that trend. Zoe Zanidakis placed eighth that year, but only had five confessionals to show for it.
Zoe had the second-fewest confessionals in Marquesas and the only person with less than her was Peter, the first boot of the season who got voted off because he talked about holes in the human body (not even kidding). Zoe was in nine total episodes compared to Peter’s one and only had two more confessionals than him.
The only time we really got to know Zoe was when she was making friendship bracelets for those who overthrew the Rotu 4 and infuriating Tammy in the process. Her rivalry with Tammy got her more screen time, but not enough to make her a memorable player.
Let this be a lesson to those of you wanting to apply – Friendship bracelets are in, or at least they were in 2002 when Marquesas aired.