Best pre-Idol blindsides in Survivor history- No. 4: Burton (Pearl Islands, Season 7 – Second Time)
Poor Burton. Not only was he booted twice in a single season, but both of his eliminations were epic. The second time Burton got ousted came as a result of his and Jonny Fairplay’s cockiness, as they both thought they were shoe-ins to make it to the end. They thought they had Lil wrapped around their fingers, but that didn’t end up being the case.
Sandra and Darrah ended up convincing Lil that it was in her best interest to get Burton out because he was manipulating her. The women banned together to vote off Burton and another epic blindside in Pearl Islands was created.
Best pre-Idol blindsides in Survivor history- No. 3: Alex (Amazon, Season 6)
If Alex had just kept his mouth shut, this wouldn’t be the No. 3 best blindside in the pre-Idol era of Survivor, but here we are. Alex was in good shape to go to the Final Four with Rob, Heidi, and Jenna, but he foolishly revealed to Rob that he planned to vote him off when it got down to four.
Rob, of course, didn’t care for this comment and Alex became public enemy No. 1. He rallied everyone else together to take out Alex and eventually down the line, managed to get Heidi and Jenna back in his good graces. Rob truly was a Survivor mastermind.