Survivor: Randy Bailey shares his life-changing call 10 years later

Screengrab via CBS
Screengrab via CBS /

Few people would ever imagine they would get the call to confirm they’re going to play Survivor. Randy Bailey not only prepared for it, he filmed it!

Waiting to hear whether or not you’ve been selected to play Survivor must be a thousand times worse than the wait to hear back about a potential job offer after an interview. Thousands apply each year, a million dollars is potentially on the line, and even getting to casting finals means you beat ridiculous odds.

To call your shot by waiting around for a phone call from casting to confirm your spot on Survivor takes the guts, gumption and guile of a cunning person. Randy Bailey knew exactly what he was doing when he set up a camera, rocked a Dallas Cowboys shirt and had his cordless house phone ready ten years ago ahead of his casting call, and now we have the video evidence as proof!

Survivor Gabon and Heroes vs. Villains player Randy Bailey has uploaded his casting call onto Twitter and Vimeo a few days ago, showing us exactly what was running through his mind when casting director Lynne Spillman told him he was going to compete for the million dollars. As a warning, this video gets really loud and may have an uncensored swear word or two, but nothing that’s out of the ordinary for the show.

A lot of the video is sped up, but the scream is played at regular speed and full volume, showing just how excited he is to join the ranks of what would be more than 500 select people to play the game of Survivor. It’s a great piece of personal history for a complicated player that we appreciate getting the chance to see.

Next: Survivor: Ranking 34 seasons

Considering that his call came roughly 10 years and a week ago, if you are reading this and made it to Survivor casting finals, considering taping your reaction! There should be a lot more of these, as it shows us the moment a player goes from relative unknown to someone whose life is about to change forever.