One of the longest-running Survivor challenges dates back to the first season with the gross food challenge, where contestants had to eat local delicacies.
Back when Survivor first premiered in 2000, it took the country by storm when it had its contestants eat grubs in the second immunity challenge. That challenge alone pretty much set the stage for shows like Fear Factor to run amuck.
Now, here we are, 18 years and 35 seasons later and the show is still doing these gross food challenges. It’s not an “every season” kind of challenge like it used to be, but whenever they do have them, it’s almost like an homage to the to the old days.
With Ghost Island about to have the contestants dive into some local (but gross) delicacies, why not take a look back at some of the best moments from these infamous challenges?
Now That’s Love – Seasons 5, 8
To kick off, we’ll touch on the seasons that did the gross food challenges a little differently. In both Thailand and All-Stars, the food eating competition came after the merge, which was different in itself.
Not only was it an individual affair, but the twist for both seasons was that the loved ones would have to eat the gross food instead. It wasn’t really fair to those visiting the game, but that’s what they agreed to.