With one castaway gone from the game for good this season, our Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 2 power rankings shift toward the future.
19. Vince Moua
Though Vince was likely never going home in the premiere, the fact that we were shown both Tom and Elaine willing to throw Vince under the bus immediately even in diversion conversations is concerning. He was targeted for being part of an “others” trio on Lairo, and with him on the bottom of that trio and the only one left in the game with votes, he becomes an easy target.
18. Aaron Meredith
Much like Vince is the only one left in Survivor: Island of the Idols who has votes against him, Aaron is the only player left who has voted incorrectly at Tribal Council. While I think he might be kept around due to the strength he provides, with a woman’s alliance brewing, he might be a threat to take out ahead of a swap.
17. Noura Salman
We saw hints of Noura’s odd rationale for decision-making in the Island of the Idols premiere, but the “Next Time On Survivor” preview showed something of a full-blown meltdown for Noura. Though wacky previews rarely lead to immediate departures, you don’t get that kind of edit and win the game.
16. Jason Linden
Jason was pointed out on Day 1 for searching for the idol by himself, but as the evidence points out, it doesn’t guarantee his inevitable failure. Mike White had that same tag before becoming runner-up of David vs. Goliath, but if Noura is his only ally right now, that’s a bleak outlook for the future of the game.