Survivor Seychelles
Location: Small islands of the Seychelles
First off, just look at the flag of the Seychelles. Look at how crazy awesome that is! Just the colors of the buffs alone can represent some of the colors of that flag.
There are some moral and ethical questions surrounding a Survivor Seychelles season. First off, despite it having a fairly strong per capita GDP throughout Africa, it comes at the expense of its very poor. CBS might not feel they can provide money to the country through their production of a season or two if the money is used to exploitative ends.
Furthermore, because of its climate, the coral bleaching of its reefs have been slowly recovering for decades. CBS has been accused of leaving a substantial environmental impact on its locations before, including the Cook Islands, so it may be hard to film in a location with a more fragile ecosystem.
If everything worked out, however, it would mark the return to Africa with one of the most beautiful locations in the world. It’s a tropical paradise down there, complete with rainy and dry seasons that would put castaways through the grinder. I’m always in favor of Survivor exploring the world in lesser known regions, and I think of all the tropical locations around the world, the Seychelles is less focused on.