Although there’s not much time left before Survivor: Game Changers premieres, here are six seasons you might want to prioritize for a re-watch.
When it comes to all-returnee seasons, it’s tough to remember exactly who comes from where in terms of seasons. Sure, big, already-confirmed names like Sandra Diaz-Twine might ring a bell to you, but you may not remember how she managed to win the game twice. Furthermore, since each season of Survivor is pretty short, it’s possible to squeeze perhaps one or two in before Game Changers premieres on Mar. 8.
To that end, we’ve put together six seasons, based on the confirmed cast (although some of the spoiled cast may appear here as well, just because they share seasons with people confirmed. This will be your first and biggest spoiler warning). Each one features at least one returnee, if not more.
With that being said, let’s start planning your Survivor re-watches.
6. Survivor: Kaoh Rong
One of the most recent seasons on this list, Survivor: Kaoh Rong (with the intro video above coming from YouTube) ended up as a season of medevacs, particularly ones like Caleb’s right after a challenge completed. The season had filmed in Cambodia, and conditions were particularly tough as a result. It also re-used the Brains vs. Brawns vs. Beauty concept, but casting choices made it seem fresh all over again.
Anyway, of the already-confirmed Game Changers returnees, Tai Trang will be your person to watch on Kaoh Rong. He started out on the Beauty tribe and actually made it to the end of the game, but his strategies often seemed ineffective, and he ended up betraying Scot in a very public way at Tribal Council. It did not win him any jury votes.
CBS has also confirmed that Caleb Reynolds will return. Caleb and Tai had a rather unlikely friendship that was cut short by the former’s medical evacuation from the game. It’s unsurprising that the show would bring him back, since he ended up being a pretty interesting player even as a Big Brother alum. Not to knock BB, but it and Survivor are somewhat different beasts. For Game Changers, the two seem like a natural alliance, but it may behoove them to also make sure they don’t isolate themselves as a pair.