3. Survivor: Micronesia — Fans vs. Favorites
Survivor proved that it could do all-returnee seasons with Season 8, All-Stars. Then, with Season 16, the show had what may be an even better or an even worse idea, depending on whether or not you like watching returnees. Fans vs. Favorites (with the intro above via YouTube) put a bunch of popular players on one side, and then put superfans on the other. Just based on the fact that some people had experience playing the game before while others didn’t, it’s safe to say that yeah, the favorites had a grand old time, especially after the merge.
In fact, you’ll want to watch Cirie Fields closely. This represented her second time playing the game after Panama, and if you thought she was dangerous then, look out for her this time. In Game Changers, we want to see if Cirie can modernize her game enough to get her through to the end, and whether or not her strength has waned any since last playing in Heroes vs. Villains. Somehow, we’re a bit less worried than we probably should be.
Additionally, this season represents the second go-around for Ozzy Lusth, a Cook Islands alumnus himself. Where Cirie excelled in the social and strategic game, Ozzy has a physical game that’s tough to beat.