1. Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains
To be completely honest, yours truly could recommend watching Heroes vs. Villains (intro here via YouTube) in basically any off-season, since it’s still one of the best seasons the show has ever produced. Today is not the day to argue about its superiority, though.
Today is the day to tell you that if you watch this season, you will get a look at not one, but two confirmed returnees. This is the game where Sandra proved that even her status as a previous winner couldn’t stop her from sweeping the million dollars once again. Meanwhile, Cirie may not have made it far, but it’s interesting to see how it’s possible to take her down.
Spoilers follow.
The spoiled cast list also tells us that J.T. Thomas will play again. He won Tocantins, but his Heroes vs. Villains turn may tell us more about how he’s changed. In his second try, he attempted to play more strategically, bought into a belief that there was an all-women’s alliance on the Villains side of the equation, and handed Russell Hantz a Hidden Immunity Idol.
Not his smartest move, eh?
Next: 6 Places Survivor Should Go Next
For bonus points, you can watch seasons like Cook Islands, but these six represent a great re-introduction to some of the players we’ll see on Game Changers.
Which seasons are you re-watching?