The cast of Survivor Season 34, “Survivor Game Changers,” is ready to make the big moves needed to change the game, as revealed in their cast vids.
It’s like an early Christmas for Survivor fans today, as CBS has revealed the entire Survivor Game Changers cast and their new tribes. Additionally, the CBS Survivor YoutTube channel has uploaded cast videos for each of the 20 returning players, helping seasoned fans and new fans alike reacquaint themselves with Survivor royalty…and Sierra Dawn Thomas.
A brief almost six-minute summary video can be seen above, highlighting what each player thinks of each other, what their plans of attack are, and their chances of winning this season. More importantly, these videos provide an insight as to how observant these players are about their own past mistakes, and how willing they are to change the perspective of their tribemates.
Below is the full list of Survivor Game Changers players, with links to each player’s video.
Mana tribe
- Aubry Bracco, Survivor Kaoh Rong
- Michaela Bradshaw, Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X
- Ciera Eastin, Survivor Blood vs. Water, Survivor Cambodia
- Sandra Diaz-Twine, Survivor Pearl Islands, Survivor Heroes vs. Villains
- Hali Ford, Survivor Worlds Apart
- Malcolm Freberg, Survivor Philippines, Survivor Caramoan
- Caleb Reynolds, Survivor Kaoh Rong
- Troyzan Robertson, Survivor One World
- Jeff Varner, Survivor Australia, Survivor Cambodia
- Tony Vlachos, Survivor Cagayan
Nuku tribe
- Andrea Boehlke, Survivor Redemption Island, Survivor Caramoan
- Brad Culpepper, Survivor Blood vs. Water
- Sierra Dawn-Thomas, Survivor Worlds Apart
- Cirie Fields, Survivor Panama, Survivor Micronesia, Survivor Heroes vs. Villains
- Sarah Lacina, Survivor Cagayan
- Ozzy Lusth, Survivor Cook Islands, Survivor Micronesia, Survivor South Pacific
- Zeke Smith, Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X
- JT Thomas, Survivor Tocantins, Survivor Heroes vs. Villains
- Tai Trang, Survivor Kaoh Rong
- Debbie Wanner, Survivor Kaoh Rong
Next: Here Is Your Survivor Game Changers Full Cast List
Survivor Game Changers will debut on March 8 at 8 PM ET, starting off with a 2-hour premiere.