Survivor Game Changers: Figgy (MvGX) Offers Her Thoughts

The 20 castaways competing on SURVIVOR this season, themed "Game Changers", when the Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 34th season with a special two-hour premiere, Wednesday, March 8 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. The season premiere marks the 500th episode. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The 20 castaways competing on SURVIVOR this season, themed "Game Changers", when the Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 34th season with a special two-hour premiere, Wednesday, March 8 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. The season premiere marks the 500th episode. Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

In total millennial fashion, Figgy from Survivor Millennials vs Gen X recorded a vlog to share her thoughts on the upcoming Survivor Game Changers cast.

While the jury is still out on whether or not she texts “You” instead of “U,” Figgy Figueroa from Survivor Millennials vs Gen X does have a millennial way of sharing her thoughts about the upcoming cast of Survivor Game Changers; a YouTube video.

Figgy’s Thoughts on Survivor Game Changers is a simple, apt title that conveys her message in a quick, efficient manner. Unlike those darn Gen X-ers who work hard, not work smart, Figgy gets straight to the point with her Top 10 list of favorite players from the upcoming season.

  1. Michaela Bradshaw
  2. Sandra Diaz-Twine
  3. Cirie Fields
  4. Sarah Lucina
  5. Ozzy Lusth
  6. Caleb Reynolds
  7. Troyzan Robertson
  8. Tai Trang
  9. Tony Vlachos
  10. Debbie Wanner

More from Season 34 Game Changers

Additionally, Figgy wants to see Sandra, Michaela, and Cirie team up together to take down everyone else in Survivor Game Changers. Of course, just like what almost everyone has verbalized in pre-season interviews so far, she suspects that Tony will be the first boot, “if people are smart.” She also suspects Sandra or Cirie to get that first boot, as well.

Count me in as someone who thinks Hali will have a surprising impact this season, in addition to Figgy. Citing the interview where she admitted she doesn’t know why she was invited back for Survivor Game Changers (instead of, you know, just realizing that the producers just come up with a theme after casting the season), I believe she’ll use that chip on her shoulder to go out there and make some big moves.

Sarah and Caleb “Sandra isn’t a Game Changer” Reynolds also get some shoutouts for the possibility of surprising some people this season, which I agree with, too. Sarah and Hali can definitely pounce out from under the radar to make a big move, and Caleb’s strength can do wonders if you just manage to give him some salt and pepper.

Next: Survivor Game Changers Cast Assessment: Malcolm Freberg

Survivor Game Changers premieres on Wednesday, March 8 at 8 PM ET.