Don’t let your Survivor buff collection go incomplete for too long as the ones for Game Changers are now available to the public.
Fans of Survivor, both the die-hards and the casual followers, all still hold a soft spot in their heart for everything about the show. Who among the fanbase hasn’t had a conversation about how they would fair if they were a castaway? While many may never get that chance or even apply to get that chance, they can always look like one with a collection of buffs from various seasons.
While a relatively pricey hobby considering that we’re entering Season 34 of Survivor and the cost of buffs, there are some massively impressive buff collections out there. Subsequently, collectors and fans have been anxiously awaiting the chance to get their hands on the buffs for Survivor: Game Changers.
They no longer have to wait, despite the season still being over two weeks away from premiering.
On Sunday, Planet Buff finally released the buffs for Survivor: Game Changers, featuring both the Nuku and Mana tribes. With rumors of a potential third tribe coming into play early in the season, the third buff has not yet been released—you can’t spoil everything with buffs. One of the buffs will set you back $25 while the pair is also available as a set for $46.99.
Survivor: Game Changers promises to be one of the most intriguing seasons of all time. Obviously the twist for the show lends itself to that with returning players who somehow “changed the game,” even if the degree to which some players did so is up for dispute.
Next: Survivor Game Changers Cast Assessment: Jeff Varner
Regardless if you think Brad Culpepper or Hali Ford—to name a couple—are so-called “game changers,” though, the season should be memorable at the very least. Thus, having a token of Season 34 to own by getting a buff might be worth your while.