It’s clear that the Survivor Game Changers cast has some notable, and not so notable, players. How much did each player this season change the game?

Survivor offseason is near its end; Survivor Game Changers makes its debut on Wednesday! Three of the twenty have one the game before, one of them was medically evacuated (and almost died), another made an idol play by not using his idol, another requisitioned an entire island, one has had more jobs than players this season, and another voted out her mom!
That said, it’s clear by the cast of 20 that Survivor Game Changers is mostly in name only. Many of these players have made fundamental changes to how the game of Survivor is played, but after a certain point, you start to see diminishing effects. That doesn’t make them any lesser as players, mind you!
To help close out the offseason, I have taken it upon myself to rank the Survivor Game Changers cast based on how much they’ve changed the game. This is strictly from a game-changing perspective, meaning how well the players have performed doesn’t strictly matter unless the manner in which they won helped make their mark on the game. There are five groups of four players each, tiered off into their own designations.

Survivor Game Changers: “I Guess” Tier
20. Hali Ford, Survivor Worlds Apart: She’s been open in interviews that she doesn’t know why she was asked back. Finishing 11th in Worlds Apart, she didn’t play as hard as a law student could have played.
19. Sierra Dawn-Thomas, Survivor Worlds Apart: Sierra wasn’t even supposed to be a part of Survivor Game Changers before Natalie Anderson backed out. She played a loyal, but uneventful game in Worlds Apart, making it 5th and taken out for being pleasant in a season filled with awful people.
18. Sarah Lacina, Survivor Cagayan: Rarely does a swing vote both openly acknowledge the power they hold, as well as everyone else equally acknowledges that they such power. Sarah saw Tony as a cop and called him out on it immediately, but otherwise played up her influence too much at the merge, and was voted out for not picking a lane and staying in it. Lesson learned!
17. Caleb Reynolds, Survivor Kaoh Rong: In some of the pre-season interviews for Survivor Game Changers, I’ve noticed huge, makeshift water bottles people have been carrying on their person at all times. If Caleb’s near-death experience in Kaoh Rong has changed anything in the game, it’s that the crew makes sure players are more hydrated going forward. Thanks, Caleb!