Survivor Game Changers: Legacy Tier
8. Ciera Eastin, Survivor Blood vs. Water, Survivor Cambodia: As much as Jeff Probst has turned Ciera’s biggest game-changing move in her time on Survivor into an undying meme, she showed that she could place the game over real-life relationships. Furthermore, she proved strong to her convictions by going to rocks in Survivor Cambodia. She’s one of the strongest social threats out there.
7. Tai Trang, Survivor Kaoh Rong: While he stumbled hard ever since his big move in Kaoh Rong, by not forming a super idol in order to save Scot, he shifted how an overpowered item has true weaknesses. Furthermore, he knows how to make friends quickly with a friendly spirit, making him a genuine threat that you’d never see coming.
6. Jeff Varner, Survivor Australia, Survivor Cambodia: You may not think that Varner’s play has had a lasting impact on the game. However, the fact that he was voted out in a tiebreaker based on his voting history breaking a deadlock changed future seasons and how they handle that situation, for the better.
5. Cirie Fields, Survivor Panama, Survivor Micronesia, Survivor Heroes vs. Villains: The leader of the Black Widow Brigade, Cirie proved anyone could get up off the couch and make big moves with cunning wit, keen observations, and strong social interactions. She was on the first Exile Island season, conceived plans to get others to give up immunity necklaces, moved votes to further her alliance from the bottom, and held her own against the elite. She’s a strategic pioneer of the game.