3. Ozzy Lusth
In his fourth time playing, you might’ve thought you knew what to expect from Ozzy. He gave us what we expected when he went diving off of the boat after the tool kit and everyone essentially gave up at that point. He’s a physical threat of the highest regard. However, he’s in the top-three of these initial power rankings because—gasp—he actually played a little social game too. By aligning with Sierra and Brad loosely and clearly having his ego much more in-check, Ozzy seems to be a more well-rounded player this time around. With that, he could be a bigger threat than ever before, which is saying something for someone who’s finished as a runner-up and in fourth previously.
2. Sierra Dawn Thomas
Considering that she found the Legacy Advantage, that’s obviously something big working in Sierra Dawn Thomas’ favor right out of the gate. But as stated with Ozzy and Brad, their alliance seems incredibly important. Even if they are split up with the upcoming tribe swap, they have the ability as overall players to all make it to the merge and then orchestrate big moves. With the advantage early, Sierra might be a dark horse in Game Changers.
Next: Survivor Game Changers Episode 3 Synopsis: Survivor Jackpot
1. Michaela Bradshaw
This might seem a bit too high for Michaela and, in fact, it might be. There were flashes of her combustable temper already and that’s not a good thing for her long-term. But as of right now following episode 1, she seems to be in the best spot of anyone. Though she may want to punch Malcolm for not letting her prove it, she remains a physical threat. What’s more, she has ammo and the savvy to target someone like Malcolm for losing the challenge and not letting her take over. Her arsenal seemed to get more loaded with each passing day of the first six. If she can keep her cool, she’s in a position to go far.