With three new tribes, there were a ton of storylines in the early going of Survivor Game Changers Episode 3. Here’s what Survivor Twitter had to say.
Survivor Game Changers Episode 3 jumped out the gate with guns blazing, going straight into a swap. Unbeknownst to them at the time, they were not shaking things up into two teams of nine. Instead, a third Tavua tribe was formed, breaking things into teams of six.
This means that for one team, they had to start over on Day 7 of 39, completely screwed in terms of camp resources. Survivor Twitter, of course, had a field day.
With J.T. the only former Nuku tribe member now on the new version of the tribe, he had to think quickly in order to make it further into the game. He had the brilliant idea of going out to sea with the crew and finding any excuse to stay on the island and look for clues. That did not go unnoticed!
Troyzan, being the only Mana tribe member on the new Tavua, knew that he was likely out next. That’s why it was a huge breath of relief for him to find a clue to the hidden immunity idol. One problem, though; he needed to snag it at an immunity challenge when everyone on his tribe is against him.
The biggest controversy of Survivor Game Changers Episode 3 was #Goatgate. Most felt there was a conscience-based consequence for eating a wild animal because it had offspring, while Sandra felt that, based on the circle of life, goats were meant to be eaten by hungry predators.
As you could guess, Survivor Twitter had some capital-o Opinions on this one.
The Survivor Game Changers Episode 3 immunity challenge was a repeat of Austin’s Elemental Obstacle Course from Survivor San Juan del Sur, where nobody broke their bones this time. Progress! Troyzan made his bold move and grabbed the hidden immunity idol, while Mana got sent to tribal council. Nuku picked body comfort, while Tavua got some salt and pepper.
When Mana got back to camp, the multiple dynamics of the tribe started to form. Caleb and Hali were on the outs, as they were lower in numbers. However, Brad wanted to break up the Kaoh Rong team as best as possible, playing off of Tai’s sensibilities
As Survivor Game Changers Episode 3 started to get as tense as possible, quickly came tribal council where it seemed clear that Tai was going to play the game and vote out his friend, Caleb.
Survivor Game Changers Episode 4, “The Tables Have Turned,” debuts next Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET.
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