The third person was voted out of Survivor Game Changers in episode 3 and here’s what the first post-tribe swap boot offered in his exit interview.
Note: Spoilers obviously lie ahead. If you haven’t seen Survivor Game Changers episode 3 “Survivor Jackpot,” turn around now.
On the third episode of Survivor Game Changers, there was little time wasted before the game was, well, changed. Not only were the 18 remaining players at the start of the episode told to “drop their buffs” for the tribe swab immediately, but also quickly discovered green buffs among the blue for Nuku and red for Mana—a signal that there would also be a move from two to three tribes.
The subsequent tribal divisions were made and, as a result, the new Mana tribe was left with Brad Culpepper, Tai Trang, Hali Ford, Debbie Wanner, Sierra Dawn-Thomas and Caleb Reynolds. You’ll note that three of the six were castaways on Survivor Kaoh Rong, which ultimately came into play.
After Mana narrowly lost the Immunity Challenge, Brad convinced Tai that sending Caleb home instead of Hali would be the best long-term option for his game. Otherwise, it would appear that Tai and two people he previously played with were working together. In Brad’s plea to Tai, that would make the latter look like a target after the merge.
Subsequently, Caleb was sent packing by a 5-1 vote after his kissing buddy, Tai, voted in favor of Brad’s plan. In his parting words, though, Caleb made sure to clarify that he held no ill will towards his supposed best friend on Survivor:
To this point, there has been little drama as it pertains to final words. For proverbial Game Changers, the three boots to this point have been relatively gracious in defeat. Caleb may be the most so yet, however. Not only was he positive about leaving the game on Day 9 again because this time it was “on his feet,” but then to wish Tai luck and say that he still loves him speaks highly of his character.
Next: Caleb Reveals Reason for Pre-Season Hate Towards Sandra
Survivor Game Changers episode 4 airs on Wednesday, March 22 at 8:00 p.m. ET, where another big twist is coming according to the preview.