We’ve had the chance to re-watch and digest the latest episode of Survivor. Let’s look back at some of the minutia — underrated strategy, notable production choices, and responses on social media — from Episode 3, “Survivor Jackpot.”

Troyzan’s Approach To The Immunity Idol
With his neck on the line after an unfavorable Day 7 tribe-swap, Troyzan handled the task of grabbing a Hidden (in plain sight) Immunity Idol just about as well as could be expected. From what we can tell, no castaway realized that the oldest contestant in the game had an ulterior motive when he awkwardly slumped over to take the Idol hidden in the base of the puzzle table at the Immunity Challenge.
The bottom line is that Troyzan had to get that Idol, whether or not his tribemates caught him in the act. With five members from the original Nuku tribe being shuttled over to form Tavua in the tribe swap, Troyzan makes for an obvious boot the next time Tavua ends up back at Tribal Council. With the preview of next week’s show suggesting that there will be two boots in the near future, Troyzan may be forced to play his hand sooner rather than later.
What’s next for Troyzan? He can play his Idol at Tavua’s next trip to Tribal and pass the buck onto someone else (Ozzy, if he really wants to make his mark). Even if he pulls off a big blindside, it still leaves him down 4-to-1 in the numbers — and without the Idol. Instead, he should use the power of disclosure to swing the numbers back in his favor by marketing an alliance with him as an opportunity to gain access to the Idol.
There’s one burgeoning power-duo that may be willing to play along in a scenario like that…