Survivor: Game Changers: What We Learned from Episode 3’s Secret Scenes

"Survivor Jackpot" - Sarah Lacina, Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth, Andrea Boehlke, Zeke Smith and Cirie Fields n the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"Survivor Jackpot" - Sarah Lacina, Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth, Andrea Boehlke, Zeke Smith and Cirie Fields n the third episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Not everything makes it into an episode of Survivor: Game Changers, but what information can we glean from Episode 3’s extra clips?

Every week, Survivor: Game Changers throws some additional clips onto CBS All Access. Some of them don’t have much to say, and it’s easy to see why they didn’t actually feature in last week’s episode of Survivor. However, sometimes, should you listen carefully, you can pick up on a few tidbits of information that could very well prove useful going forward as you attempt to predict who’s going home each week, like we do.

For episode 3, we found three things. Let’s get down to it, shall we?

Aubry is a Free Agent

In a scene titled “It Was Quite Comical,” Aubry retells the story of arriving to the new Nuku tribe and J.T.’s little immunity idol hunt. However, the most interesting tidbit is that she says she thinks she’s part of the old Mana bloc on Nuku “by proxy” only. This actually makes sense, though.

Aubry seemed more than willing to play with Tony before Sandra engineered his elimination. Right now, she’s on a tribe with Sandra, Varner, Malcolm, Michaela, and J.T. Could she end up as one of J.T.’s possible targets for an alliance to try and save himself? After all, he didn’t find the idol he was looking for. He needs all the help he can get.

However, aligning with J.T. unless there’s an absolute guarantee of Sandra’s elimination may end up more risky than rewarding, at least right now. Then again, J.T. has a knack for bringing people to his side, and the threat of an idol could very well sway Aubry.

Tavua’s Not in Bad Shape

Ozzy also snagged a secret scene of his own, named “The Best Tribe.” For the most part, getting shuffled onto a third tribe can spell disaster for a player, but he found the bright side on Game Changers. “Of all the reefs I’ve seen in Survivor, this is probably my favorite reef,” he says. He then provides a pretty fair assessment of his new tribemates. Indeed, Tavua seems to have found itself in a very good situation indeed, and there’s a reason the scene’s called “The Best Tribe.” Basically, he thinks that Tavua can go on a win streak of its own.

Now, we all know that Nuku did take the first round, but Tavua wasn’t really that far behind. We have to say that Nuku is still in the mostly dominant position, especially with its relative wealth, but Tavua seems to have pulled into a solid second place with the potential for some upsets here and there.

Sierra Has a Read on the Game

Even though we’ve come to the conclusion that Brad effectively coordinated the elimination of Caleb from Mana, that doesn’t mean that he was the only person thinking long-term. Sierra’s scene, “I’m Looking at the Big Picture,” reiterated why taking Caleb out was a good move, since he would make for a huge threat in the individual game. She’s also quite clearly not worried about numbers in the scene — she mentions that losing a challenge or two won’t matter much in the long run.

In short, even though Sierra may not be the biggest name in the game, that doesn’t mean she isn’t here to play. She has a legacy advantage to her name, and she also has a working relationship with big targets like Brad and even Ozzy, though Ozzy’s not on Mana with her. That takes a lot of heat off of her. Could it lead to her going far in the game? That remains to be seen. For now, though, the future looks fairly bright.

Next: Game Changers: The Implications of the Goat

What stood out to you in this week’s batch of secret scenes from Survivor: Game Changers?