It doesn’t get more twisty, unpredictable and wild that Survivor Game Changers episode 4, which thusly offered up great reactions from former players
The potential for Survivor Game Changers to go off the rails presented itself the moment that the twist was revealed a couple of days prior. With two tribes going to Tribal Council to vote off one player, it was going to be unprecedented and expectedly wild. Even then, it’s hard to say that anyone could’ve predicted how episode 4, “The Tables Have Turned,” would play out.
Related Story: Survivor Game Changers Episode 4 Recap
With such a crazy episode, obviously the former Survivor players had plenty of things to say throughout as they watch as fans. Let’s get their thoughts (and jokes) going chronologically through episode 4.
Jumping right into the Reward Challenge, Gervase Paterson got us started with him noticing the “physical” toll the game is already taking on the castaways, specifically Sandra Diaz-Twine’s hair:
Ok @SandraDTwine that hair is starting to have a mind of its own. I love it!
— Gervase Peterson (@SayGerv) March 23, 2017
Ultimately it was Mana and Nuku that won reward, coffee to be exact, with the former getting the smaller thanks to Brad Culpepper’s heroics. But is coffee really the best thing for people not eating all that much to be having? Maybe not:
#CoffeeisforClosers ?? How about #CoffeisforBowelMovements 😂 they're going to drink coffee on the #SurvivorGameChangers diet?!?! 💩💩💩
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) March 23, 2017
Then, of course, everyone had to take time to marvel at Ozzy’s fishing after he speared a stingray:
Hey Ozzy! I recognize that ray! #SurvivorGameChangers
— Richard Hatch (@HatchRichard) March 23, 2017
That's a big manta/string ray Ozzy caught. And they taste delicious #survivor500
— Gervase Peterson (@SayGerv) March 23, 2017
It is amazing how Ozzie can catch so many fish! Unbelievable. #food #fishing #survivor #SurvivorGameChangers #neverhungry
— Carolyn Rivera 💕 (@MamaC_14) March 23, 2017
When Jeff Probst casually laid it on the castaways at the Immunity Challenge that the two losing tribes going to Tribal Council by prefacing it with “By the way,” Erik Reichebach had a bit of fun at it:
#ByTheWay losers of this challenge will be publicly flogged, tarred and feathered #SurvivorGameChangers
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) March 23, 2017
#ByTheWay both losing tribes will have their right ears physically removed #SurvivorGameChangers
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) March 23, 2017
#ByTheWay the losers will lose their first born child #SurvivorGameChangers
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) March 23, 2017
Please god no 😑 #SurvivorGameChangers #Fillup
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) March 23, 2017
But then the real twist was revealed after Tavua went home the winners: the two losing tribes would be voting out just one player together:
#Wow only 1 person going home. Where are the cracks now? #survivor #tribalcouncil #anothertwist #SurvivorGameChangers #teamwork #scramble
— Carolyn Rivera 💕 (@MamaC_14) March 23, 2017
My coworker & I both feel like this can almost be a disadvantage to the winning tribe... Missing out on some key intel and relationships...
— Alexis Maxwell (@alexis_maxwell) March 23, 2017
In case things just weren’t crazy enough, though, Tai then went all-in on finding an idol before Tribal. He did—and then he showed his whole tribe so that they could all use it to their advantage:
We over here strongly disagree with ever sharing the fact that you have an idol. I'm against it! #survivor
— Alexis Maxwell (@alexis_maxwell) March 23, 2017
YESS TAI... this tribal is going to be insane!!! #SurvivorGameChangers
— Will Wahl (@window2wahl) March 23, 2017
This tai/idol scene feels vaguely familiar. #survivor
— Michele Fitzgerald (@meeshfitz) March 23, 2017
Then came Tribal Council and, whoa boy, things got out of hand. J.T. abandoned Nuku to try and talk strategy with Mana. That then led Hali to go try and talk to Nuku. Then all hell broke loose and no one knew what was happening:
Just so everyone is on the same page, someone you played with for 6 days isn't really really really really loyal #SurvivorGameChangers
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) March 23, 2017
Has @JeffProbst lost control of this #tribalcouncil?
— Rupert Boneham (@RupertBoneham) March 23, 2017
#SurvivorGameChangers is a #MexicanStandup not Stand Off 😭😂😂😂😂😂
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) March 23, 2017
WHAT. THE. HELL. #SurvivorGameChangers
— Figgy (@hashtagfiggy) March 23, 2017
This is beautiful TV rn #SurvivorGameChangers
— Will Wahl (@window2wahl) March 23, 2017
I love this tribal council! I can't believe they are letting this go in! Fabulous. #survivor #SurvivorGameChangers #newplans #whoisgoing
— Carolyn Rivera 💕 (@MamaC_14) March 23, 2017
This is a mess
— Courtney Yates (@CourtneyHYates) March 23, 2017
Then Jeff Varner admitted to maybe soiling himself, which led to a couple of jokes from predictable former players:
Grab the @Charmin Jeff Varner #SurvivorGameChangers
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) March 23, 2017
That’s weird, Randy.
The votes finally came in, though, and Nuku overplayed their hand and numbers and J.T. ultimately made a dumb, dumb strategic play. As such, his only tribal ally in Malcolm was voted out:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! #SurvivorGameChangers
— Will Wahl (@window2wahl) March 23, 2017
Yes Sierra stay alive! Tai saves the day. OMG it's Malcolm#yeahbaby #survivor #SurvivorGameChangers #unbelievable #twist
— Carolyn Rivera 💕 (@MamaC_14) March 23, 2017
#WOW is right... What a horrible way to go. #survivor
— Alexis Maxwell (@alexis_maxwell) March 23, 2017
I am speechless. And now I want to throw up. 🔥🌴 #SurvivorGameChangers
— Figgy (@hashtagfiggy) March 23, 2017
Crazy tribal. He'll be back again... #SurvivorGameChangers
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) March 23, 2017
There was a bit of post-game shade thrown at J.T. courtesy of Candice Cody. She didn’t soon forget his idol mishap on Heroes vs. Villains where he gave his idol to Russell. So she threw some straight fire in his general direction:
Once again, JT with some brilliant communication to the other team along with a high quality idol disaster. Good times. 👍🏼👍🏼👀@MalcolmWHW
— Candice Cody, MD (@CandiceCodyMD) March 23, 2017
But of course, there was only one reaction that mattered–that of the guy going home in a move that absolutely no one saw coming:
what in the actual fu
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) March 23, 2017
Same, Malcolm. Same.
Next: Survivor Game Changers: Ranking All 33 Previous Seasons
Survivor Game Changers will return with episode 5 on Wednesday, March 29 at 8:00 p.m. ET on CBS.