Survivor: Game Changers: What We Learned from Episode 4’s Secret Scenes

"The Tables Have Turned" - Hali Ford, Debbie Wanner and Sierra Dawn-Thomas on the fourth episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 22 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"The Tables Have Turned" - Hali Ford, Debbie Wanner and Sierra Dawn-Thomas on the fourth episode of SURVIVOR: Game Changers, airing Wednesday, March 22 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

With another episode of Survivor: Game Changers comes another set of extra confessionals from several players, and they might hint at upcoming developments.

Warning: Spoilers for Survivor: Game Changers episode 4 follow.

There’s been a major development for Survivor: Game Changers fans looking to watch the show’s “secret scenes.” These mostly refer to confessionals cut from the show. Last week, they were nowhere to be found on YouTube. This week, SurvivoronCBS has posted a ton of clips from Episode 4, “The Tables Have Turned.”

Although there are more clips than those we’ll cover here, we’ll take a look at what may be four key confessionals going forward. Let’s start with Zeke.

Zeke Would Like Everyone to “Pull it Together”

Honestly, Zeke still provides some of the funniest confessionals out there. It’s not as though he’s actually saying anything particularly funny in the above scene, “Come From Behind Victory,” where he details Tavua’s loss in the reward challenge. Maybe he does have a point about coming fresh off of his time in Millennials vs. Gen X as opposed to having time off like everyone else except Michaela, though. Admittedly, Tavua seemed pretty downtrodden after losing, but then again, Ozzy’s on the tribe, and Ozzy loathes losing. (Ozzy also still believes that Tavua’s the strongest, by the way.)

Even so, Zeke didn’t really express this frustration in the episode as we saw it. That shows a sense of when to open his mouth and when to keep it very firmly shut, which is never a bad thing to have in Survivor.

Brad Knows He’s a Target

Although we here at Surviving Tribal have noted that Brad played a big part in eliminating both Caleb and Malcolm, it’s clear he knows that coming out so strongly out of the gate means he’s playing a dangerous game. “Worst-case scenario, I’m home, I’m home, I’m home,” he says in the above clip, “I’ve Got To Play The Cards I’m Dealt.” That’s true.

However, right now, he has a very strong position for at least the next time Mana goes to Tribal Council, since Hali remains outside of the former Nuku foursome, but after that, it’s not outside the realm of possibility for someone like Debbie to try and take him down. On the other hand, both Tai and Sierra seem quite close with Brad, and that should get him through a few Tribals.

At the same time, though, he seems more aware of the game and how his actions could come off than in previous runs at Survivor. Could the third time be the charm for him?

Aubry’s “Not Starstruck”

So, you know how Nuku voted six strong on Sierra and had it blow up in their faces? Don’t expect that to continue. Aubry, in “Never The Same Thing Twice,” talks about how she believes Sandra doesn’t really want to play with her and hasn’t “since Day 1.” Now, this might seem a bit strange, since Aubry has, for the most part, gone along with Sandra’s decisions.

However, Nuku, even though it’s mostly made up of old Mana members at this point, really isn’t that cohesive. J.T. would need two people to flip to oust Sandra. With this confessional, Aubry might end up being one of those two people. That would put Michaela in the middle, assuming Varner sticks with Sandra. Keep an eye on that brewing situation.

Sierra’s Game is Subtle

In our assessment of episode 4’s elimination, we pointed out that Sierra really should earn quite a bit of credit for the ouster. She brought up Malcolm’s name first, not someone else, and that quiet suggestion ended up playing out at Tribal Council. In the opening of the above clip, “Winning Brings Life To The Tribe,” she casually mentions that she’s checking in as best she can at every challenge with people on the other two tribes.

Granted, it’s not much, but it’s about all she can do at this point to make sure that she still has relationships no matter how and where she ends up, should there be another shuffle. Much like the ongoing situation with Sandra on Nuku, keep an eye on Sierra. Brad might be the obvious leader on Mana, but she looks to be right there at the top of the heap — and she’s doing her best to play the long game.

Ozzy, Cirie, Varner, Sarah, J.T., Andrea, and Michaela all had secret scenes of their own this week. Indeed, Ozzy actually had two secret scenes.

Next: Breaking Down the Episode 4 Boot

Survivor: Game Changers continues next week Wednesday.