Although the title of next week’s episode of Survivor: Game Changers might focus on the last episode’s events, the synopsis looks forward instead.
At this point, it seems fair to assume that Debbie Wanner will name the Wednesday, April 12 episode of Survivor: Game Changers, “What Happened on Exile, Stays on Exile.” Simply put, she’s the only person who actually went to Exile Island of the 14 remaining players in the game at this point and thus is the only one who knows what exactly went down. It seems, well, unwise to divulge that she didn’t have the expected terrible time.
But enough of that. Let’s look at the official CBS synopsis for the upcoming episode.
Take it away, press release!
"“‘What Happened on Exile, Stays on Exile’ – Emotions run high when the game begins to take a toll on one tribe, and castaways try to pull their way to safety at a physical immunity challenge.”"
The immunity challenge, per the already-released photos, will involve both swimming and pulling a boat. Here’s why it’s interesting that they mentioned that. Take a look at that first clause about “the game begins to take a toll.” From the preview aired after episode 6 ended, we know that that will be Mana.
Frankly, that’s been the situation throughout much of the game. Nuku started out with advantages like a toolkit and having Ozzy Lusth on the tribe. Mana didn’t. Ozzy’s on Nuku again, and even though that tribe is coming off a loss, they haven’t lost any numbers, instead gaining Debbie after eliminating Sandra Diaz-Twine. Additionally, things don’t seem to have improved over the past few episodes. Having energy will be necessary for the challenges ahead. It could be that someone like Brad Culpepper will will his tribe to victory over a better-fed Nuku, though.
Beyond that, we’re not sure what else we’ll see aside from a reward challenge just yet, confirmed by the above-linked photos. Could Debbie put her extra vote to use already? It seems unlikely right now; that sort of advantage could come in handy after the merge. Perhaps the more pertinent question is this: Is the episode title misleading? More specifically, will she really tell someone what actually happened?
Next: Breaking Down Game Changers Episode 6's Boot
Survivor: Game Changers airs its seventh episode next week Wednesday.