On a topic as sensitive as the one explore in the biggest moment from Survivor Game Changers Episode 7, Survivor Twitter had a field day.
Warning: This post will discuss the events surrounding Survivor Game Changers episode 7, “What Happened on Exile, Stays on Exile.”
Well, it happened. The moment that Jeff Varner was preparing for in advance came to light in Survivor Game Changers episode 7. In a desperate attempt to cling onto any sort of life raft, he threw Zeke Smith off the boat. He outed him as a transgender man in a moment that will go down in Survivor infamy.
Of course, it wasn’t just Jeff Varner, Zeke Smith and the cast of the show that were aware of what happened, as it seemed like many within the Survivor Twitter community were walking on eggshells leading up to the event.
No commercial break after the IC. This *is* a very special episode of #Survivor.
— Max Dawson (@fymaxwell) April 13, 2017
OMG I think that tribal is going to be crazy tonight!! #survivor #yeahbaby #tribalcouncil #fireworks #itsgonnagetcraycray
— Carolyn Rivera 💕 (@MamaC_14) April 13, 2017
met·a·mor·pho·sis : a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.
— Michele Fitzgerald (@meeshfitz) April 13, 2017
Of course, once tribal council started, Jeff Varner was whipping up the vote, trying to put the pressure off of him and onto Ozzy Lusth. Since he was the biggest threat on Nuku, it only made sense to publicly plead for them to band together and vote him off before the merge occurs.
#SurvivorGameChangers apparently @sarahlacina didn't learn that @JEFFVARNER likes to stir it up!Yep, worked beside the Queen! @SandraDTwine
— Teresa Cooper/T-Bird (@tbirdcooper) April 13, 2017
He didn’t get to make that too convincing an argument, however, before Jeff Varner outed Zeke Smith in front of the unsuspecting tribe, claiming that he was capable of deception because of it. From there on, Survivor Twitter just exploded.
Wait Varner.... WHY did he do that... That's so personal. #survivor
— Alexis Maxwell (@alexis_maxwell) April 13, 2017
🙈🙈🙈 😬😬😬 I can't watch. #SurvivorGameChangers #Survivor
— Eliza Orlins (@elizaorlins) April 13, 2017
Worst episode of The Jeff Probst Show ever. #survivor pic.twitter.com/C9KduMUcZL
— Max Dawson (@fymaxwell) April 13, 2017
Holy sh*t. Varner right now. #SurvivorGameChangers
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) April 13, 2017
With millions of people watching at home, Survivor Twitter needed to break down the moment in ways that jumped between nuanced, emotional, angry for and supportive against various parties. Most important was solidarity for Zeke Smith.
Keeping @zekerchief close to my heart tonight while on stage @ParamourBway! #Zekevivor #GotYourBack #SurvivorFamily #Survivor #BeVisible pic.twitter.com/CtDzDoK39r
— Reed Kelly (@thereedkelly) April 13, 2017
@zekerchief So much love, Brother!
— Richard Hatch (@HatchRichard) April 13, 2017
My heart is aching! Words can hurt & can't be taken back.I'm hugging you so tight right now @zekerchief #SurvivorGameChangers btw,you rock!!
— Teresa Cooper/T-Bird (@tbirdcooper) April 13, 2017
Yes @zekerchief inspire me ‼️🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 #SurvivorGameChangers #Survivor
— Brice Izyah (@BriceIzyah) April 13, 2017
Heavy tribal tonight. Much love to @zekerchief. #strength
— Candice Cody, MD (@CandiceCodyMD) April 13, 2017
Zeke is a bad ass, nuff said. Love you big dawg. #SurvivorGameChangers
— Figgy (@hashtagfiggy) April 13, 2017
I am reading all of your reactions to tonight’s #survivor tribal council. @zekerchief has been an amazing partner through all of this.
— Jeff Probst (@JeffProbst) April 13, 2017
@zekerchief Zeke’s ability to remain composed, strong and yet still compassionate, despite the very vulnerable situation was exemplary.
— Jeff Probst (@JeffProbst) April 13, 2017
@survivorcbs our hope is that this emotional and powerful conversation will bring awareness and understanding…and ultimately effect change.
— Jeff Probst (@JeffProbst) April 13, 2017
There was a million ways the “Survivor Game Changers player outs another person on television in front of millions watching at home” story could have gone, but it was portrayed in a way that showed Jeff Varner’s immediate remorse for his unforgettable transgression. Survivor Twitter knew that he messed up bad, but didn’t go in as aggressively as they could have had things gone worse.
Varner is a really awesome guy, but the comment was so off base and out there.
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) April 13, 2017
Jeff, as one of my best friends, I can honestly say that this was a huge fuck up, but I know you don't have a hateful bone in your body. https://t.co/UGk7FdUWIG
— Peih-Gee Law (@PEIHGEE) April 13, 2017
If Zeke is strong enough to forgive in this situation, so should we. STOP THE CYBER BULLYING. On that note, I'm out. 🔥 #SurvivorGameChangers
— Figgy (@hashtagfiggy) April 13, 2017
Survivor Blowout!!! Do NOT watch this video unless you have watched the episode or read comments! Feel free to comment openly in a discussion below about the topic….
Posted by Coby Archa on Wednesday, April 12, 2017
The most prevalent emotion; utter sadness overall.
think before you speak. words can be weapons.
— Julia (@JuliaSokolowski) April 13, 2017
Julia and I are just standing in silence right now still shaken by that episode. #survivor
— Michele Fitzgerald (@meeshfitz) April 13, 2017
Be wonderful to each other. #Survivor
— Aubry Bracco (@aubrybracco) April 13, 2017
The man himself, Zeke Smith, showed brilliance in the face of overwhelming adversity in this episode and continued to show his exemplary character on Twitter, too.
Game Changers returns next week as 13 players make the merge. We’ll see if the fallout boils over in future episodes.