Surviving Tribal returns this week as 13 Survivor Game Changers players jockey for positional safety with an imminent merge episode tonight.
The sixth edition of our Surviving Tribal feature returns after a brief one-week hiatus amid murmurs about Survivor Game Changers episode 7 going beyond the realm of gameplay. Obviously, that ended up being the right decision, as this week will (hopefully) be focused back on the gameplay.
With a two-hour merge episode in store, I have presented odds that anticipate two Survivor Game Changers players to be voted out this week. After submitting the odds to my fellow writers, Cheryl, Cody and I will put down hypothetical money on who we think won’t be surviving tribal council tonight. There are two opportunities to make money, so there is a real opportunity for everyone to make “BIG MOVES” today.
However, because it is a merge episode, that means that anything can happen, as former alliances might become done and dusted quite soon.

Ozzy Lusth – 3/2 (Daniel: $200)
When Jeff Varner wasn’t flailing desperately, he made sense in trying to get rid of Ozzy Lusth before the merge. He is in a power position within the old Nuku, however, he should be targeted first just because he could go on an individual immunity challenge run.
Michaela Bradshaw – 2/1 (Cheryl: $50, Cody: $50)
Plenty of the people who have been voted out already have mentioned that Michaela is not as great as she comes off on television. Plus, her strength as a competitor means she’s a big threat in this post-merge world where old Mana are greatly outnumbered by old Nuku. Her flicking sand while everyone cried last week shows the disconnect between her and others right now.
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Debbie Wanner – 3/1 (Cheryl: $25, Daniel: $50)
Debbie cannot be trusted if she’s just going to fly off the handle. She may have taken John Cochran’s advice to heart and will settle down, but everyone on Mana has seen her true colors. Hell, she lost her temper at her tribe during a challenge, meaning everyone sees the chaos that exists underneath.
Brad Culpepper – 3/1 (Daniel: $25)
The beginning moments of the merge are the most important, as people will need to either whip up an alliance or throw someone else under the bus to stay a few more days. Brad Culpepper is a huge strength, social and strategic threat that those outside his core alliance might want to take down immediately.

Hali Ford – 4/1 (Cheryl: $50)
Hali has been down in numbers for quite some time and hasn’t quite had the opportunity to get her foot in the door with anyone. She’s shown to be a social threat capable of recognizing “metamorphosis” almost immediately, so she may be targeted to break up any possible Dirty 30 alliance.
Aubry Bracco – 4/1
Aubry’s been on the outs for some time now, being part of the minority on old Mana. She’s in the perfect position to flip at the merge, but should she be a bit too hot and cold, she could find the target on her back like Sarah suddenly discovered in Survivor Cagayan.
Related Story: Survivor Game Changers: Ranking All 33 Previous Seasons
Cirie Fields – 6/1 (Cody: $100)
Cirie isn’t remembered for her strength in challenges, but her ability to convince anyone to get done what she wants to get done. That’s a really scary attribute to have when twelve other people aren’t decided yet on how to vote. Some may agree just to get her out before she can puppeteer the game. Her first tribal council this season may be her last.
Zeke Smith – 7/1
Zeke is in an odd predicament. Half the players know his story, the other half don’t. He’s shown to be involved in the decision-making and was able to make Varner feel safe when Sandra was the target to get voted out. I’d really, really hate for him to get voted out now because of the fact that he would be a unanimous winner at a final tribal council, but this season has shown the depths people are willing to go.

Andrea Boehlke – 8/1 (Daniel: $25)
Oh hey, Andrea spoke last week! That’s neat! She’s likely not winning Survivor Game Changers, but unless old Nuku doesn’t try to Pagong old Mana, her relative invisibility works to her favor. This week, anyways.
Sierra Dawn-Thomas – 8/1 (Daniel: $60)
Sierra has been targeted before, and she possesses a legacy advantage that can make her immune from tonight’s vote should she be the target now. However, with a two-hour episode, her partnerships with players in the minority means she could be the 12th-place castaway.
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Sarah Lacina – 10/1
Sarah has been given a clear-cut positive edit lately, yet she’s promised she will play like a criminal this season. Partnering herself in the majority while also having the support of someone with an idol (unbeknownst to her), she’s sitting pretty at the merge.
Troyzan Robertson – 20/1
With an idol in hand and in a position to shake things up at the merge tribal council, Troyzan isn’t going anywhere right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if he won the first individual immunity challenge, either.
Tai Trang – 40/1 (Cody: $50)
Tai could use both his idols tonight and when in the voting booth, find another hidden immunity idol in one of the compasses or something. He’s been really working on his self-protection game more than his social or strategic games, but it does get him closer to the end.
Survivor Game Changers Episode 8 Money Totals
Cody: $886
Daniel: $700
Cheryl: $600.80
Next: Survivor Winners: Ranking All 33 Sole Survivors By Season
Survivor Game Changers episodes 8 and 9, “There’s a New Sheriff in Town,” will air tonight at 8 p.m. ET consecutively as a two-hour block.