Hali Ford Leaves Survivor Game Changers Confused

Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment
Jeffrey Neira/CBS Entertainment /

Not quite sure why she was targeted first at the merge, Hali Ford still has questions about what went down in the last two episodes.

This article talks about the results of Survivor Game Changers episode 8, “There’s A New Sheriff in Town.”

When it comes to the merge, it’s always a numbers game. Unless somebody flips, there’s usually a divide that’s quite noticeable. Hali Ford, originally of Nuku before swapping over to Mana, didn’t think she was that big of a threat, leaving her to be a bit confused about what just happened in Survivor Game Changers episode 8.

Perhaps airing it out will start to get the mind going. Talking to My Xfinity, Hali Ford had a difference of opinion when on the island as opposed to watching her boot episode last night. She thought that it was a group decision, but now has a rapidly frustrated view of Sierra’s game because she thought she was bringing a great game this time in Survivor Game Changers compared to Worlds Apart.

"I’m happier with what I did. The first season when I was going in I was in an entirely different headspace. I thought it was entirely random that I was going on “Survivor” and some big things had just happened back home to distract me from the game. It was not my number one priority. But, going into this game, I had a vendetta, something to prove. I really poured myself into this game."

Despite the hardships she faced being down in the numbers throughout so much of the game, she couldn’t persevere with a more game-oriented mindset, getting voted out as the first jury member yet again. Hali Ford may not come back to play Survivor ever again, but her Survivor Ponderosa interactions show that she’s a genuinely great person to be around.

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Over at Parade, it was discovered that Hali Ford and Aubry Bracco never quite got along on the island, as there was a personality clash at the merge.

"We were never able to trust each other. We would try and we would try on so many votes to work together, but at the merge vote — on my vote — she overheard that I was gunning for, which I did. I told Cirie and them that I would vote for Aubry when they brought it up, because I was just kind of scrambling at that point. That killed anything Aubry and I had going on, which really wasn’t much ever."

So we don’t know exactly how where the tension began, but it sounds that even when the two were on the same tribe over at Mana, they didn’t quite get together that much. I mean, Aubry was on the outs with old Mana after being on the wrong side of the Ciera and Michaela votes, meaning there was something that originated from Day 1, but it’s odd to think that Hali would be at odds with Aubry.

Hali Ford was one of the players that looked to play under the radar until the time was right, but apparently, the spotlight shined on the cobra lying in the grass waiting to strike. It doesn’t seem to make too much sense why she was targeted beyond tribal lines numbers, and she is right to think the merge is the time to draw a line in the sand by taking out a threat.

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On Survivor Game Changers, you never know what’s gonna happen next.