With the most important episode of the season behind us, we look at who will or won’t be surviving tribal council in Survivor Game Changers episode 10.
The seventh edition of Surviving Tribal brings about a more easily defined time in the feature’s short history. Each week, we make bets on who will be voted out each week of Survivor Game Changers with a pool of fake money we’ve accumulated across previous entries. Last week, I made big (fake) money betting on Ozzy, while Cheryl made a decent return with a bet on Hali.
This week, those who were in a power position are suddenly up in the air, as those who flipped on their own alliance successfully have had their moves telegraphed insanely well to the rest of the tribe. That puts a number of people right in the crossfire, as anything can happen when you play with cops that act like criminals.
Let’s see who we think won’t be surviving tribal council tonight in Survivor Game Changers!

Zeke Smith – 3/2 (Cody: $200, Daniel: $100)
He got himself in a power position by forming an alliance with Andrea and others but then tried to flip on them with 12 people left in the game because…reasons. Zeke is a game bot that tried to pad the resume way too early, painting himself a Will Wahl-shaped target on his back.
Michaela Bradshaw – 2/1
For whatever reason, people don’t like Michaela Bradshaw. In addition to being a huge challenge threat, she’s been rubbing people the wrong way because she doesn’t like that they throw out her name for possible elimination without reason. Regardless, she has two huge negatives going against her.
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Andrea Boehlke – 5/2 (Cheryl: $100, Cody: $100, Daniel: $100)
Zeke still may try to wrestle control of his game, as the preview indicates Andrea calling him out as shady. She’s been fairly confident in trying to get him out without success, and she’s suddenly been thrust into the spotlight after being fairly invisible for some time. She seems to be getting the “justified boot” edit, although I hope that isn’t the case.
Debbie Wanner – 3/1 (Cheryl: $50)
Everyone sees right through Debbie. Ozzy and Hali have already mentioned they knew she was just acting drunk, so everyone else must see it. She’s too much of a wildcard to be trusted either which way, so she may go home soon.

Brad Culpepper – 3/1
After Ozzy went home, the women outnumber the men seven to four. Not that there’s a woman’s alliance now, but it further emphasizes Brad’s strength at challenges going forward. He has a great story and can go on an immunity run, meaning he’s a perfect target to go after.
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Sierra Dawn Thomas – 4/1 (Cheryl: $50)
Amid the chaos of the merge episode of Survivor Game Changers, Sierra Dawn Thomas has emerged a frontrunner. The problem with being a ringleader that controls the game from the hammock, however, is that you get too comfortable in your position.
Cirie Fields – 5/1 (Cody: $36)
Cirie’s playing a great stealth power game right now, pulling a few strings here and there from the shadows. Once the numbers dwindle, though, she’ll have less to hide behind.
Aubry Bracco – 7/1 (Daniel: $100)
Aubry has done relatively nothing in this game worthy of attention from the editors. Her suddenly exiting this week would not make sense from a story perspective, as she’s been too invisible for a Sole Survivor runner-up to go home just like that.

Sarah Lacina – 10/1
Sarah continues to bounce between voting lines without consequence, and she hasn’t had to suffer for doing so. She’s in a strong position going forward, and she’s been given a clear-cut strong finale edit this far. I’d be surprised if she went home anytime soon.
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Troyzan Robertson – 16/1
Troyzan can’t say this is his island anymore if he’s not even onscreen to speak up about it! He still has an idol in his pocket and he’s not a target, so he’s safe.
Tai Trang – 30/1 (Cheryl: $15.80)
Having experienced tonight’s immunity challenge before, having two idols in his pocket and being generally liked on his tribe, Tai is safe from elimination. I don’t see him getting James’d this week (going home with multiple idols in your pocket), were that ever to happen.
Survivor Game Changers Episode 10 Money Totals
Daniel: $900
Cheryl: $635
Cody : $550
Next: Survivor Winners: Ranking All 33 Sole Survivors By Season
Survivor Game Changers airs episode 10, “A Line Drawn in Concrete,” tonight at 8 p.m. ET.