Survivor Game Changers Episode 10 Challenge Videos Run The Emotional Gamut

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Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

In Survivor Game Changers Episode 10, one player persevered in the reward challenge while another breezed through the immunity challenge.

This post will include spoilers for Survivor Game Changers episode 10, “A Line Drawn in Concrete.”

With eleven hungry players left after the merge, Survivor Game Changers episode 10 brought on a variety of emotional reactions. Some were moments of levity, others came from moments of triumph, and others were out of anger.

“O-Black Water” was the name of the reward challenge, as teams of two swam a relay obstacle race across a number of different nets, slides and balance beams. Swimming between each obstacle, once all players on a team reach the end platform, one will dive down and unhook a grappling hook, bring it back to the dock and toss at five rings. The first team to finish wins a seaplane trip to the Yasawa Islands and a picnic.

With a schoolyard pick and Cirie and Brad as captains, Michaela was the odd one out. Of course, she showed yet another (righteous) emotional outburst, as she showed last season she’s a challenge beast. She certainly could have helped the Red team, as they were faltering even before Cirie entered the challenge.

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Physically unable to complete the challenge, members of both teams (led by Sarah) rushed to help Cirie after the challenge was over, helping her get out of the water and overcome the final obstacles. It was billed as one of the most uplifting moments in Survivor history, although opinions on Survivor Game Changers Twitter were mixed.

Later on, “Got A Hunch” made its return as an immunity challenge, presenting the relatable challenge dynamic of playing “fast and furious” or “calm, slow, collected.” Players would stack blocks on a teetering beam, held up by a piece of rope. Placing individual letters to spell “I-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y” first wins you individual immunity, but dropping the stack means starting over from scratch.

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Despite Tai playing this challenge before in Survivor Kaoh Rong, he still couldn’t figure out how it started! He made the mistake of stacking his blocks to spell immunity properly, forgetting he’ll need to start placing the “Y” first. Meanwhile, Andrea and Troyzan were neck and neck for a while, with Brad Culpepper coming up in a close third.

This challenge is famous for players dropping stacks late in the game, and Andrea and Culpepper had their stacks dropped with the “I” left to go. This gave Troyzan his first individual immunity win of the season, setting up the likelihood that he will have one or two more in store in the coming weeks.

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“Reinventing How This Game Is Played” is the name of next week’s episode, as Survivor Game Changers returns next Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET.