The synopsis for episode 11 of Survivor: Game Changers talks about flipping and secret advantages, but who’s who? Let’s try and find out.
Survivor synopses, as a rule, don’t name names. One has to keep some sort of intrigue going when it comes to who will do what in upcoming episodes, in order to have people actually tuning in. After all, the goal is presumably to keep the ratings up after episode 10 became the highest-rated episode all season. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t have some educated guesses about what’s going to happen … and who will do what.
First off, the name of next week’s episode is “Reinventing How This Game is Played,” which, on a season like this, probably seems a bit trite, but there you have it.
CBS’ press release then gives the synopsis as follows:
"“One castaway’s alliance reacts after one of their own admits to flipping, and another Survivor must decide if they should reveal their secret advantage in the game to a trusted ally, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, May 3 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.”"
The first castaway mentioned is pretty obvious. Only one person of the six in Brad and Sierra’s alliance flipped to ouster Debbie in episode 10: Sarah. The question isn’t so much who as it is why. To what purpose would Sarah consider it a better move to own up to what she did? However, it may be that she doesn’t get to make that choice, but rather has it made for her. Someone could accuse her of playing the swing vote position. Instead of lying about it, she could come clean and make the case as to why she’d vote out Debbie to attempt and build some trust back up.
As for the second person, the words “secret advantage” effectively whittle it down to two people from the start. That’s Sarah and Sierra. Although CBS could simply be misleading us by referring to Sarah twice, the language suggests the flipper and secret advantage haver are two separate people. It also excludes Tai, who still has his hidden immunity idols, since those usually aren’t called “secret advantages” anymore.
That leaves us with Sierra. She has the legacy advantage, which can give her immunity at the final six. Why would she reveal it now? She must pass it on if she’s voted out, though. Perhaps she thinks she will be next voted out?
Next: Ranking Survivor's Full Seasons
What do you make of this synopsis?