In the history of Survivor, few things have ever excited a player to the degree that coleslaw gets Aubry Bracco jazzed up.
Coleslaw. Most just consider it a side dish or something that you put on top of a barbecue sandwich (depending on the barbecue, of course). Don’t you dare tell that to Survivor Game Changers and Kaoh Rong castaway Aubry Bracco, however. For her, it’s basically a delicacy — or at least that’s how she reacts to it.
We were first let in on just how seriously Aubry takes her coleslaw the first time she played, Kaoh Rong. In episode 11 of the season, Aubry, Michele and Cydney won reward and were taken to go enjoy a feast.
Amidst the wine, decadent dishes and everything in between, Michele mentioned that the coleslaw that was being served was “really great.” In the midst of eating something completely different, Aubry perked up to incredible levels at the mention of coleslaw:
"Survivor Aubry loves coleslaw"
Had this just been the reaction of a starved Survivor player, that would’ve been one thing. However, Aubry’s love of coleslaw didn’t subside or stay contained to that one moment.
Following her appearance and runner-up finish on Kaoh Rong, Aubry took a trip to Canada in August 2016. One of the highlights for her (at least according to her Twitter)? Visiting Les Rôtisseries St-Hubert, a restaurant north of the U.S. border, that serves unlimited coleslaw:
Unlimited coleslaw? You had me at bonjour, @sthubert. 😍
— Aubry Bracco (@aubrybracco) August 27, 2016
Continuing the timeline, Aubry was obviously a part of the preseason build to Game Changers. However, her love for coleslaw was so strong that it even infiltrated talk about another castaway. As Inside Survivor interviewed fellow Kaoh Rong player Neal Gottleib about Debbie Wanner, her love for coleslaw came up once again as Gottleib said:
"Meanwhile, Aubry and Debbie will probably engage in a staring match. Debbie not trusting Aubry and Aubry staring at Debbie because she likes to stare back, while thinking of coleslaw, because that is often her only care in the world."
Then came our latest example of Aubry’s love for coleslaw. Again on another reward in episode 10 of Survivor Game Changers, Aubry made a bit of a meta reference to the GIF, but also just another admission of her love for coleslaw. It was a beautiful moment. Following the episode, she took to Twitter to explain why the dish remains so close to her heart:
Coleslaw was banned in my childhood home because my dad had an aversion & called it cat puke. When I tried it in college, I saw fireworks.
— Aubry Bracco (@aubrybracco) April 30, 2017
Whatever the reasoning behind it, Aubry’s love for coleslaw is both endearing and admirable. No matter what her fate in Game Changers is, she can always look forward to unlimited coleslaw if she heads to Ponderosa.
Next: Survivor Game Changers power rankings after episode 10
The lesson, as always: Find someone who looks at you the way Aubry looks at coleslaw.