With (likely) seven more players not making it to the Survivor Game Changers final tribal council, who will be surviving tribal tonight, and who will go home?
The eighth edition of Surviving Tribal comes at a very volatile time in Survivor Game Changers. Fresh off the heels of everyone’s favorite remaining “cop-turned-criminal” flipping on her alliance at a crucial moment, everyone is in flux at the moment.
However, with half of the castaways remaining, the stakes are at their highest in terms of betting odds. Last week, Cheryl was the only one to predict Debbie Wanner going home, edging closer to overtaking yours truly in first place. We all started with $500 in virtual currency, and for the most part, we’ve been doing great work at guessing who will go home each week.
For Survivor Game Changers episode 11, this is a crucial time for us all. Just one player has multiple bets against them surviving tribal council tonight, meaning we’re likely to see some changes in the overall standings. Here are our betting odds (and subsequent bets):

Zeke Smith – 2/1 (Daniel: $75)
He and Andrea mended their tattered relationship to flip over the majority alliance, but all bets are off now. He’s seen trying to bring the men around and take control of this game. His hunger for power, however, may cost him greatly if he’s still seen being “very shady.”
Sierra Dawn Thomas – 2/1 (Cheryl: $100)
Sierra has been given shades of a villain edit lately, throwing herself in a position of power while being a bit cocky. The hammock is a subtle position of power, as people come to you for strategy while shown relaxing. However, with the flip in alliance numbers, she could be next on the chopping block.
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Brad Culpepper – 5/2 (Daniel: $75)
Brad was shocked when he found out someone in his alliance flipped on him, showing just how vulnerable he actually is in this game. I would put him at exactly the same odds as Sierra if I didn’t believe he had a stronger chance at winning the individual immunity challenge.

Michaela Bradshaw – 3/1 (Cody: $50)
Everyone in the majority alliance seems to hate on Michaela for existing, essentially, although her comedy prop moments at tribal council, nor calling everyone else b—-es for not choosing her in the latest reward challenge schoolyard pick, isn’t earning her any favors. She might be deemed the next to go for perceived annoyance.
Andrea Boehlke – 4/1 (Cody: $50, Cheryl: $50)
If there’s any player versus player moment going on right now, it’s Zeke versus Andrea. She has the upper hand, however, as she’s on the right side of the numbers. Still, with Zeke trying to pull off a power move, she could be his target.
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Cirie Fields – 5/1 (Cody: $50)
Cirie may have a great story that prevents her from making final tribal council, but she doesn’t have a target on her back right now. She’s shown to be a weaker challenge threat if it’s an endurance or stamina-based immunity challenge, and she’s not quite the mafia don this season, either.
Sarah Lacina – 6/1
The episode synopsis for Survivor Game Changers episode 11 indicates she admits to flipping, but with Sarah working secretly with Troyzan (who has an idol) and openly with Cirie (who can whip a vote like no other), she’s still in a strong position to make it past this tribal council.

Aubry Bracco – 7/1 (Cheryl: $35)
With Debbie gone and no perceived enemies, Aubry remains yet another number so far. She’s got a really blasé edit so far, shown being on the outs with others. That does mean she is less likely to get voted out, however.
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Troyzan Robertson – 12/1
Troyzan has just one individual immunity challenge win so far, yet even when he won he’s still in the background. If he wins again, he’ll certainly have a target painted on his back. For now, he’s just another guy who secretly has a hidden immunity idol.
Tai Trang – 20/1 (Daniel: $75)
Right now as I write this piece up, Tai is traveling back in time to find another hidden immunity idol in the preview footage for tonight’s episode. The only way I can see him getting voted out tonight is if he acts like Tai and is wishy-washy over which side to play with.
Survivor Game Changers Episode 11 Money Totals
Daniel: $675
Cheryl: $650
Cody : $400
Next: Survivor Winners: Ranking All 33 Sole Survivors By Season
Survivor Game Changers episode 11 airs tonight at 8 p.m. ET.