On the long road to recovery, Troyzan Robertson can now confirm that the Survivor Game Changers episode 11 reward challenge injured him greatly.
This article will discuss events that occurred in Survivor Game Changers episode 11, “Reinventing How This Game is Played.”
It’s tough enough to disregard caffeine, sugar, basic necessities and most sustenance for 39 days to play Survivor; it’s even worse that every other day, you have to exert so much of your (non-existent) energy competing in challenges. 27 days into Survivor Game Changers, Troyzan Robertson and the other nine castaways competed in the “Angry Chair” challenge, and the pain of loss was further doubled by physical pain.
In the challenge, Troyzan was the second player on his team to run through the obstacle, going up and over a net, high-stepping through a series of obstacles and gathering puzzle pieces. During the running segments, he seemed to be a bit fine. It was subtle hints and grimaces heading to the chair that made it look like something went wrong.
Who knew that it was “torn ACL” wrong.
No one knows ... but I just tore my ACL in half on that Challenge. Uhhhgg #notsayinganything I WON'T Quit! #SurvivorGameChangers
— ~Troyzan💎 AKA-Troy Robertson (@troy_zan) May 4, 2017
That’s right, that’s Troyzan Roberston confirming on his Twitter account that he went through an absolutely unreal amount of pain. For those who may be thinking, “will this take him out of the game a la James from Survivor Heroes vs. Villains? Who knows, but it did take him until October for him to realize the extent of the recovery he would have to undergo.
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Surgery last October. All good now
— ~Troyzan💎 AKA-Troy Robertson (@troy_zan) May 4, 2017
From being barely unable to walk to describing his kneecap like popping apart a chicken wing, it was clear that Troyzan was not playing up his injury (for whatever reason one may think like that). He’s still deep into his rehabilitation for the injury, too, which is quite a scary thought for someone in their 50s.
The only thing that would make the whole thing worthwhile is if Troyzan wins Survivor Game Changers. The fact that we didn’t even know this happened until he told everyone on Twitter does not bode well for his edit chances, however.
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Survivor Game Changers episode 12 airs next Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET.