She may not have won Survivor yet, but in just three (to be completed) seasons, Andrea Boehlke has already accomplished enough to be considered a legend.
This article will discuss the Survivor Game Changers season to date, as well as the Survivor career of Andrea Boehlke.
Who knew that of all the new players that were introduced to Survivor fans in Survivor: Redemption Island, Andrea Boehlke would emerge as the player on everyone’s minds? While she was present for but a few moments in the first half of Survivor Game Changers, she’s been leading the way in the second half, showing control over a minority alliance that has been outwitted the majority.
With great players like Sandra Diaz-Twine, Tony Vlachos, J.T. Thomas, Ozzy Lusth and Malcolm Freberg already eliminated this season, fans have looked to Cirie Fields as the remaining “legend” left to cheer for. However, I’d argue that they are doing Andrea Boehlke a great disservice, as (barring some unfortunate event later this season), she has been building up a Survivor resume worthy of legendary status!
By the next episode of Survivor Game Changers, Andrea will have reached at least 100 days played on Survivor. She will be just the seventh person to reach that milestone in the show’s history, with more time built up than a player who played one of their seasons for 42 days!
Counting Day 30 of Survivor Game Changers, here is the current list of Survivor castaways with the most games played, with active players in bold:
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- Ozzy Lusth: 128 days (four seasons: 39 days in Cook Islands, 27 days in Micronesia, 38 days in South Pacific, 24 days in Game Changers)
- Boston Rob Mariano: 117 days (four seasons: 21 days in Marquesas, 39 days in All-Stars, 18 days in Heroes vs. Villains, 39 days in Redemption Island)
- Cirie Fields: 115+ days (four seasons: 36 days in Panama, 38 days in Micronesia, 11 days in Heroes vs. Villains, 30+ days in Game Changers)
- Parvati Shallow: 114 days (three seasons: 36 days in Cook Islands, 39 days in Micronesia, 39 days in Heroes vs. Villains)
- Amanda Kimmel: 108 days (three seasons: 39 days in China, 39 days in Micronesia, 30 days in Heroes vs. Villains)
- Rupert Boneham: 104 days (four seasons: 27 days in Pearl Islands, 37 days in All-Stars, 36 days in Heroes vs. Villains, four days in Blood vs. Water)
- Andrea Boehlke: 100+ days (three seasons: 37 days in Redemption Island, 33 days in Caramoan, 30+ days in Game Changers)
- Colby Donaldson: 98 days (three seasons: 42 days in The Australian Outback, 19 days in All-Stars, 37 days in Heroes vs. Villains)
- Coach Wade: 96 days (three seasons: 36 days in Tocantins, 21 days in Heroes vs. Villains, 39 days in South Pacific)
- Sandra Diaz-Twine: 94 days (three seasons: 39 days in Pearl Islands, 39 days in Heroes vs. Villains, 16 days in Game Changers)
As you can see from that list alone, Andrea Boehlke is sitting pretty among some of the biggest names this show has seen. She deserves a lot of credit for that, as she may yet surpass someone who has played four seasons in just three of her own.
More importantly, with the exception of Boston Rob, she has played 67 days longer with federal agent Phillip Sheppard than everyone else on the list. Think about that; two-thirds of her game has been spent with one of the most “eccentric” players in Survivor history, adding yet another layer of mental stress on what is already a grueling game.

Of the four individual immunity challenges so far this season, Andrea Boehlke has won two of them (one endurance, one dexterity). With that, she has a career total of four individual immunity necklace wins, tying her with Kelly Wiglesworth, Jenna Morasca, Kim Spradlin, Parvati Shallow and Amanda Kimmel for the most individual immunity necklace wins for a woman.
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With just one more win, Andrea would be a legitimate Survivor individual immunity challenge record-holder, further cementing her legendary status. She has already made history multiple times due to her prior gameplay, including being the first female castaway to win a Redemption Island duel, compete in more than one of said duels, return from Redemption Island, and be voted out while in possession of a Hidden Immunity Idol.
Most importantly, Andrea Boehlke has shown to be a smart, funny, engaging player, one who can make friends, whip up a vote, win a challenge and strategize alongside legends. Hell, even last episode she was sitting alongside Cirie Fields, telling her who the alliance should vote out next.
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With the rest of Survivor Game Changers left to air, it’s unfair to lock in a decision about Andrea’s total game this season. However, that doesn’t mean (so far) she hasn’t been proving herself worthy of being recognized as one of the game’s best players ever.