Survivor Game Changers: Each player’s big game-changing moment

Photo: Robert Voets, CBS Entertainment
Photo: Robert Voets, CBS Entertainment /
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Zeke Smith Survivor Game Changers
Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

Zeke Smith – Persevering through a game-transcending attack

Zeke is one of the smartest players in Survivor, no matter which season he’s playing. Coming into Survivor Game Changers, just weeks after he played in Millennials vs. Gen X, is a mentally and physically taxing obstacle. He went full bore into full two seasons of gameplay hoping to be known as the great player, not known specifically for being the trans player.

Jeff Varner tanked all hopes of that happening, however, in his personal attack of outting him. It forced Zeke Smith to open up about his former self to all players at the merge, immediately ruining any chance he has of winning Survivor Game Changers due to his great story he could stump for at the Final Tribal Council.

Despite the personal (and gameplay, less importantly) hardships, Zeke persevered, schemed, altered his gameplay and showed a quiet brilliance up until his elimination. Had he not been eliminated by the alliance he had planned to topple (Andrea Boehlke was his main target), he could have flipped power back to a new majority and found himself a seam to the finish.