Survivor since 2000: Reliving the game’s greatest moments year by year
Survivor 2009: The first perfect game
It took until the end of the decade for Survivor to make its way into the world of HD programming, and the beautiful Brazilian landscape was deserving of the honors. The variety of landscapes and various mixtures of green and orange showed a vibrancy on the screen.
It must have rubbed off on its players, as Tocantins was a season that showed a great group of characters. From models to dragonslayers, from hillbillies to Yankees, this cast showed a lot of heart as much as it did gameplay.
I’m still waiting for someone to name a more iconic Survivor duo than Stephen Fishbach and J.T. Thomas, who pioneered their way from a terrible tribe all the way into the Final 2, with each of them helping out the other. People loved J.T.’s charms, so much so that he never received a vote until the Final Tribal Council.
It was there where he got his first vote; to win. Then another. J.T. was the first player to play the “Perfect Game” of Survivor by sweeping the jury without receiving a single eliminating vote all season. All while down a tooth.