Survivor birthday: Chelsea Meissner (One World) turns 32

Screengrab via CBS
Screengrab via CBS

Known for being the Southern girl who could kill you with her charm (or a hunting rifle), Chelsea Meissner of Survivor One World turns 32 years old today.

Player: Chelsea Meissner
Occupation: Medical Sales
Hometown: Charleston, SC
Seasons: One World
Tribes: Salani (Aqua Buff), Tikiano (Black Buff)
Finished: 3/18

Survivor One World was such an odd season. Tribes have been divided by genders before, but to have them on one central beach and to compete against each other (while bartering for supplies) is just so surreal. Hidden immunity idols were divided, too, creating an entirely different start to the season. Chelsea Meissner was a key member of the original women’s alliance, taking part in a key Survivor strategy that has worked but a few times before.

Willing to take sass from nobody, she was one of the few to speak her mind around Troyzan Robertson, one of the few players that had his head on a swivel. He saw what her and Kim Spradlin were up to, and she gave it right back to him whenever possible. She was one of three distinct personalities on that season, sticking out among the sea of people who were either downright awful or completely forgettable.

While she may not have driven the strategy on Survivor One World, Chelsea Meissner was loved by all. She worked with winner Kim Spradlin to navigate through to the end, bringing the first-ever Final 5 finale episode in the show’s history. Whether it was getting stuck in a barrel in a secret scene, winning individual immunity or finding herself in a strong alliance, Chelsea was a good player that served one of the best to ever play the game.

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While she may not have made a big Survivor splash, she has returned to reality as part of Southern Charm’s fourth season, following the life of the rich and well-to-do in her hometown of Charleston, South Carolina. May you have a great and happy 32nd birthday, Chelsea Meissner!