Survivor birthday: Tyson Apostol (Tocantins, HvV, BvW) turns 38

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Having been Snark Master Extreme in his first season and voting himself out of his second, Survivor winner Tyson Apostol turns 38 years old today.

Player: Tyson Apostol
Occupation: Former Professional Cyclist
Hometown: Heber, Utah
Seasons: Survivor Tocantins, Heroes vs. Villains, Blood vs. Water
Tribes: Timbira (Black Buff), Forza (Green Buff) in Tocantins, Villains (Red Buff) in Heroes vs. Villains, Gatang (Yellow Buff), Tadhana (Red Buff), Kasama (Purple Buff) in Blood vs. Water
Finished: 8/16 in Tocantins, 15/20 in Heroes vs. Villains, 1/20 in Blood vs. Water

Usually, the sarcastic, smart-mouth villain on a show like Survivor never ends up winning. They’re often playing up the narrator role, providing social commentary on others with a quip here and there. Not only is Tyson Apostol able to give you a soundbite, but he’ll also pull through when absolutely necessary in order to cement a Sole Survivor title.

In Survivor Tocantins, Tyson made himself out to be an affable goof right away. Whether it was going nude and dancing around like a cartoon or, with deadpan glee, talk up how excellent a blindside can be to someone’s emotions, this former pro cyclist knew how to earn solid camera time.

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However mean spirited he was to certain players with his dry sarcasm and wit, he usually looked tame compared to the loudest personalities on his seasons. Him laughing at Coach, shaking his head at Russell Hantz or letting Brad Culpepper get cursed out, he was always primed in a position to win had he put a strategy together.

It finally came true in Survivor Blood vs. Water, a season known for its high-stakes emotional impact in playing with (and against) loved ones. Every player sent home meant angering someone else, yet he knew how to navigate through that emotional minefield (plus he won the final two Individual Immunity necklaces) necessary to please his winning case for a million dollars.

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Tyson Apostol is currently the best athlete to ever play the game of Survivor. For that, and a couple dozen reasons more, we at Surviving Tribal would like to wish you a happy 38th birthday!