Survivor Micronesia: 5 players who probably shouldn’t have played again afterwards

Still from Survivor: Micronesia opening credits. Image via CBS
Still from Survivor: Micronesia opening credits. Image via CBS
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2. James Clement

It’s hard not to feel a little bad for James, because all three of his runs involved particularly bad luck or otherwise just didn’t end well. In China, he was voted out with two — two — hidden immunity idols. Then, in Micronesia, he hurt his finger seriously enough to join Jonathan in the “Micronesia evacuations club”.

Then we get to his third appearance, which, like Amanda, was in Heroes vs. Villains. They were both Heroes, too!

Once again, he left the game due to an injury, although things got a little stranger that time around, because he didn’t get evacuated right away. He was allowed to stay, albeit with a brace for his knee, and actually managed to get through a Tribal Council!

With an injured knee!

It can’t be emphasized enough.

Look, by the time the Heroes pulled that off, it basically pointed to a Villain winning the game (and Sandra Diaz-Twine did).

James hasn’t returned to play on Survivor for a fourth time since his pre-jury vote out on Heroes vs. Villains, and we honestly can’t blame him for it when his second and third runs ended so badly, but one has to wonder what could have been if he didn’t play a third time at all or if he’d been voted out ahead of Tom Westman because of the injury.