Survivor Micronesia: Another Black Widow web woven

Still from Survivor: Micronesia episode 8. Image is a screengrab via CBS
Still from Survivor: Micronesia episode 8. Image is a screengrab via CBS

Although much of the focus went to the other tribe, Survivor: Micronesia put down another layer of setup for a famous alliance.

With this episode, we’ve made it past the halfway point of Survivor: Micronesia, just without actually having gotten to the merge yet. However, there are plenty of developments in episode 8. Let’s dive in.

The ladies of Malakal started working for themselves, catching plenty of crabs in the morning. Ami also worked Ozzy particularly hard to convince him that she had actually protected him. He even picked up on how much she was making the pitch.

Now, though, we get to the second step of the Black Widow alliance. Over on Airai, Parvati started to recruit Natalie, pitching her on a final four alliance with Alexis and Amanda, taking James and Ozzy out as soon as possible after the merge.

Here’s Parvati justifying the move in a confessional:

"“I’m not gonna win against Ozzy and I’m not gonna win against James. There’s no way. I love them, I love having them around, but I don’t wanna go up against them at the end.”"

Parvati, after all, was there for Cook Islands. She saw Ozzy win his way to the end, and she probably saw China, too. She knew what was up, and she started laying alliances.

Each tribe also had to send someone on the opposite tribe to Exile Island, giving them individual immunity at Tribal Council that night if they went to Tribal and forcing them out of the immunity challenge. The tribes sent Ozzy and Alexis. Meanwhile, Jeff Probst introduced the tribes to the challenge: retrieving flags on an obstacle course with the other tribe trying to knock them off. Parvati also didn’t play for Airai, but Airai won beer, pizza, and most importantly, immunity.

This episode is also part two-and-a-half of the ongoing story of Ozzy, Jason, and the fake immunity idol. Since Ozzy was on Exile, he got to make sure that someone had acquired it.

Meanwhile, Erik had seen enough Survivor to know he was in trouble, and he started talking about Ami to Amanda and Cirie, prompting Ami to then try her pitch on the two ladies. However, Erik had one last ace in the hold: Ozzy coming back from Exile.

Ami started crying at Tribal Council, and she tried to defend herself from Ozzy. Unfortunately, Erik talked to the right person at the right time, and Ami went home with four votes to Erik’s one.

Quick notes:

  • Jason killed a rat for Airai and actually mentioned that rat eating had taken place on the first season of Survivor!
  • Ozzy named the episode, “Like a Lost Puppy Dog,” speaking about Erik.

Next: Survivor: What is the best season?

For our next dive into Survivor: Micronesia, it is time for part three of our story surrounding Ozzy, Jason, and the replacement immunity idol.