Survivor Micronesia: The worst fake immunity idol (part three)

Still from Survivor: Micronesia episode 9. Image is a screengrab via CBS
Still from Survivor: Micronesia episode 9. Image is a screengrab via CBS

The merge episode of Survivor: Micronesia has a lot of developments all over the place, but it also has the end of a story we’ve followed for a while now.

In less than an hour, Survivor: Micronesia managed to cover the merge, advance storylines, and also provide quite the ending to one of those storylines. Let’s get right into our look back at the merge in Micronesia.

Malakal and Airai moved off their respective beaches, carrying everything they had with them to merge. However, before they all left, Natalie, Alexis, and Parvati had one last debriefing session. Ultimately, the merged tribe of Dabu moved to Malakal’s beach.

Alexis and Ozzy developed a connection, earning the ire of Amanda, and then, well, Parvati told Amanda about the alliance plans with Alexis, which furthered Amanda’s ire. After the immunity challenge, Amanda started talking to Cirie about voting for Alexis.

First, though: Jason won the first individual immunity challenge, able to hold his breath for the longest as the tide rolled in. After 35 minutes, the water was high enough to start lapping at people’s faces.

Now, normally I would do my very best to accurately capture the moments that conclude the story of Ozzy, Jason, and the worst fake immunity idol. But there are no good words for this, especially since CBS’ YouTube account has already done the work for me in two clips. (Even the Funny 115 doesn’t quite capture it all, but it’s still a humorous take.)

To add a few observations, Ozzy did call it “poetry in the making” before any of this went down. It is the most accurate way of describing the following. Second, the music for all of the Eliza and Jason scenes?

It’s perfect.

Warning: below video contains one bleeped-out word.

“Jason Gives Eliza the Fake Idol” does not begin to describe how completely bonkers this scene is. Jason is a huge fan of the game, enough to know the last time anyone had caught and eaten a rat on the show! And yet he believed that the stick … excuse me, Igor … was the idol.

So yeah, Eliza knew she was in trouble. But she made the effort anyway.

And lo, Probst did what Probst does when he is presented with false idols: burn them and crush the last hopes of whoever played them. With eight of ten votes, Eliza joined the jury. She and Jason voted for Ozzy.

Quick notes:

  • Parvati named the episode “I’m in Such a Hot Pickle!” in the context of talking about her multiple alliances.
  • Erik named the tribe and confessed to the camera he made the reasoning up.
  • Alexis made a couple gaffes at Tribal Council: saying “played” in context of Eliza’s game and also acknowledging she could count as a “triple threat.”

Next: The best athletes to play Survivor

When we look at episode 10 of Survivor: Micronesia, it’s time to talk about forming an even bigger alliance.