Survivor birthday: Bret LaBelle (Millennials vs. Gen X) turns 44

Screengrab via CBS
Screengrab via CBS /

Pahk the cahr at Hahvahd Yahd and celebrate the 44th birthday of Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X’s loveable loudmouth Bret LaBelle!

Player: Bret LaBelle
Occupation: Police Sargeant
Hometown: Dedham, MA
Season: Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X
Tribes: Takali (Purple Buff), Ikabula (Green Buff), Vinaka (Black Buff)
Finished: 5/20

While the season was a bit back-heavy in terms of quality of gameplay, Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X has one of the best casts in recent memory. Many came to play the game, with each doing it in very different ways. Some were overt strategists, using a social game and whipping the vote to proceed ahead. Others laid low, trying to make moves from behind the scenes.

Finally, we had Bret LaBelle; a man who spoke his mind and won the respect of his tribe.

Bret LaBelle is not your typical Survivor player. While he’s willing to go along with the plan and keep his mouth shut in order to pull off a major blindside, most times he will call out BS when he sees it. Bret has no time for your “trust cluster” nonsense; he’s from a generation that doesn’t have time for new-age synergistic words like that.

While he has a brash exterior if he’s not on your side, he also has a heart of gold, willing to get along with anyone that gets the time to clown around with him. Bret LaBelle also gave us one of the best moments of Survivor Millennials vs. Gen X; his coming out to fellow gay man, Zeke Smith.

I loathed the idea of Millennials vs. Gen X when I heard it at the Kaoh Rong reunion. I knew just how far Jeff Probst would be willing to push the theme, and we did see it boil down to texting habits at one point. It was all forgiven at this moment, as Bret LaBelle explained his generation’s unwillingness for open dialogue and the respect Zeke has for gay men like Bret who paved the way for the Millennial generation’s acceptance in society. A touching moment, through and through.

Next: Survivor Game Changers: Ranking All 33 Previous Seasons

We at Surviving Tribal would love to wish Bret LaBelle a very happy 44th birthday!