This is one of those Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains challenges that doesn’t look like it was fun for one tribe at all, and it’s not fun to watch, either.
Survivor requires a certain degree of physicality in the bulk of its challenges. Even the more endurance-based ones, for all Jeff Probst talks about “willpower,” have a certain action needed for them. Heroes vs. Villains had a challenge that made the case for the mental component being present in challenges.
The Boston Rob and Russell story continued bubbling, with Coach and Rob both warning Russell about the Parvati connection. Naturally, Russell went trotting off to Parvati to tell her about it. She called him “kind of a lunatic” in a confessional. That night, he also hid the machete … and threatened to steal Rob’s hat.
In fact, much of the Villains’ storyline this episode talked about Parvati. More accurately, pretty much everyone wanted to get rid of Parvati except Parvati (obviously) and Russell (also obviously).
Meanwhile, there was a parallel in the form of Candice on the Heroes side of affairs. It’s extra fitting considering they both appeared first on Cook Islands.
Now we get to the physical challenge: trying to shove each other off of a platform with bags, right into the mud. Now, there’s a problem with this challenge for the Villains: it’s all physical.
There was a second, related problem. The Heroes were looking for blood. Eight times, a Hero squared off against a Villain. Eight times, a Hero won. And, to seal the deal, James went up against Randy. As you might imagine, it ended badly for Randy. The Heroes took home food, luxury items, and immunity.
It was not fun to watch, and oddly enough, you can easily end up feeling bad for the Villains here. Puzzles, as much as we make fun of them, do end up serving as an equalizer.
Back at camp, the discussion went between Randy and Parvati, with Parvati working everyone. Randy, of course, dubbed it “Micronesia 2.0” to let her stay. (If you’ve seen this season before, you know he wasn’t kidding.)
Despite his warnings, though, he went home. Parvati didn’t even get any votes! It was a 9-1 decision for Randy, with Randy throwing his vote Rob’s way. Randy then tossed his buff into the flames, shook Probst’s hand, and walked off.
Quick notes:
- Jerri actually named the episode, “That Girl is Like a Virus,” talking about Parvati.
- Boston Rob established one of his rules for Survivor (although probably not life): “Watch how they sleep” to determine alliances.
Next: The Survivor winners, ranked
For episode 4, it’s time for hidden immunity idols to start influencing the game.