Former castaways are always engaged with the show, and had plenty to say for the Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers premiere.
At long last, Survivor once again decided to grace our televisions on Wednesday night. The premiere of season 35, Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers, was only an hour long. However, anyone worried about the drama that fans would be witnessing over that time had to be satisfied after the 60 minutes.
It was an episode that introduced us well to the majority of this new cast. For some that’s good, for others not so much. But even after just one episode of Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers, there are already plenty of opinions forming. And that’s not just exclusive to the fans of the show. It also extends to former players. After all, they may be the biggest fans of all having experienced all of this before.
So then, what did the former players have to say about episode 1 of season 35?
Of course, everyone had to start by expressing their excitement and/or first impressions as we were introduced to the new cast:
Cowboy dude stole my shirt #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
🤔Sexy doctor .... guess we got our freakiest freaky already 😂😂😂👅 #Survivor #survivor35
— Brice Izyah (@BriceIzyah) September 28, 2017
There are going to be so many sex doctor puns this season. "Rise to the occasion" is the first. Oy. #Survivor #survivorHHH
— Eliza Orlins (@elizaorlins) September 28, 2017
— Michele Fitzgerald (@meeshfitz) September 28, 2017
Love that this dude is wearing a turtleneck 😂😂
— Alexis Maxwell (@alexis_maxwell) September 28, 2017
Dear God who gave Cochran steroids? #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
Lest u forget
— John Cochran (@JohnMCochran) September 28, 2017
So the bellhop = Cochran. 😑😂 #Survivor
— Erik Reichenbach (@ErikReichenb4ch) September 28, 2017
"I'm on the healers tribe" sounds like you're talking to your World of Warcraft guild #Survivor
— Reiman Bledsoe (Spencer Bledsoe) (@reimanbledsoe) September 28, 2017
Then came the marooning, officially. As everyone scrambled, all of the former players had their thoughts about what to do, Ryan finding the Secret Advantage and the Hustlers having a bad time trying to paddle their boat in the opening fire challenge:
All the hustlers need to do is touch some kindling to the red head's sunburn, that should start a fire immediately #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
Was there a minimum bench press to be on this season? #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
As the three tribes took to their camp, Malcolm took this time to talk to Cochran about how Ryan (and his turtleneck) were stealing his thunder:
.@JohnMCochran dude, you're in trouble. Turtleneck's aiming for your niche #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
You don’t think I haven’t already spent every waking moment since the cast announcement praying for his implosion?
— John Cochran (@JohnMCochran) September 28, 2017
The next big scene that we got was Mike trying to look for the idol. Joe, however, took notice of this and tried to confront him about it. And former Survivor players had a variety of opinions:
Ahh I feel uncomfortable. This poor little guy. Joe’s a bully #survivor
— Alexis Maxwell (@alexis_maxwell) September 28, 2017
Joe is playing WAT too hard out of the gate! He's like Tony from Game Changers! I don't think that'll work out well. #survivor #survivorHHH
— Eliza Orlins (@elizaorlins) September 28, 2017
Mike just got pull into Joe’s Probation office😫😂😂 #survivor35 #survivior
— Brice Izyah (@BriceIzyah) September 28, 2017
Revision: the tall Hantz looking dude is actually a bearded Tony #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
Next up was potentially the best moment of the show with Devon and Ryan forming an alliance for the ages, with Ryan saying that he would save the former with the Super Idol should it come to that:
Wow, are Ryan and Devon the better version of @stephenfishbach and JT or what?? #Survivor
— Rob Cesternino 🛎 (@robcesternino) September 28, 2017
And we can’t have a premiere episode without a wild card, who just happened to be former NFL player Alan Ball for the Heroes. He forced JP to strip to prove that he didn’t have an idol:
Oh Alan, you're not putting a target on their back, but on your own! #survivor #survivorHHH
— Eliza Orlins (@elizaorlins) September 28, 2017
Man Alan is a wildcard. Love that #idolstripsearch though 😂😂 #survivor
— Alexis Maxwell (@alexis_maxwell) September 28, 2017
Alan owes JP a handful of $1 bills after that strip #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
It's not #SURVIVOR until we see the ol' blurred ass shot! #fuzzysquares
— ~Troyzan💎 AKA-Troy Robertson (@troy_zan) September 28, 2017
Immunity Challenge Time! The three tribes headed to a brutal first challenge with all three tribes having to push a cart up a hill and then guide a ball through a maze of their choosing. Here’s what the former players thought of it all:
First #immunitychallenge! Ugh someone is going to be the first one out. That sucks. So much. #survivor #survivorHHH
— Eliza Orlins (@elizaorlins) September 28, 2017
I don’t understand those maze choices. #survivor
— Alexis Maxwell (@alexis_maxwell) September 28, 2017
Solid challenge twist #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
A urologist better have steady hands. Yikes #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
Ball balancing challenges give me PTSD #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
Following the loss in the challenge by the heroes, we went back to their camp where everyone was scrambling. And, of course, that led to criticism of everything happened — in addition to surprise when Chrissy was given the Super Idol by Ryan:
This is an example of playing too hard. #survivor
— Alexis Maxwell (@alexis_maxwell) September 28, 2017
You sweat every day on #Survivor. You sweat 1,492x more before your first vote
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
Alan + #momsquad! Will they stay strong?? This tribe is a MESS. #survivor #survivorHHH
— Eliza Orlins (@elizaorlins) September 28, 2017
Wow. They gave it to the Mom Squad.
— Rupert Boneham (@RupertBoneham) September 28, 2017
Really 🤔🤔🤔🤔👌🏽 #survivior just placed in her bag
— Brice Izyah (@BriceIzyah) September 28, 2017
Love that @JeffProbst and the crew had this twist so early in the game! They want to make sure when you watch you enjoy! #Survivor35
— Russell Hantz (@russellhantz) September 28, 2017
Finally, it was time for a strange Tribal Council. It got even stranger when Chrissy chose not to play the Super Idol for her assumed ally, Katrina:
I loved @JeffProbst's reaction to hearing JP took off his clothes 😂😂 #survivor #survivorHHH
— Eliza Orlins (@elizaorlins) September 28, 2017
The only person who's gone nuts -- Alan -- seems totally safe. Sounds about right #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
That BOGGLES MY MIND!! #survivor #survivorHHH
— Eliza Orlins (@elizaorlins) September 28, 2017
Why wouldn’t she save her only ally?? #survivor
— Alexis Maxwell (@alexis_maxwell) September 28, 2017
Aaaaaand Chrissy goes home with a souvenir #Survivor
— Malcolm Freberg (@MalcolmWHW) September 28, 2017
Wtf was that!!! Why didn't you save you're only alliance member!!! #survivor35
— Russell Hantz (@russellhantz) September 28, 2017
Shockingly enough, Mr. Hantz may have said it best. We are as thoroughly confused as everyone else. However, it seems like Chrissy has more to say.
Next: Survivor season 35 premiere recap: Idols, idols everywhere
What did you guys think about the Survivor season 35 premiere?