New intro, new drone shots, same Survivor Ponderosa. Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers starts its jury phase with the early challenge threat out of the game.
One of the most important things a player in this game can do (if they make the jury) is to vote for a deserving winner. The Survivor Ponderosa experience, as such, becomes an important cooldown of self-reflection for people just voted out of the game, as it gives them a chance to get some much-need calories back into their system, look back and take into account where the game has gone.
For Desi Williams, she becomes the first member of the jury after a wild episode that saw four different people voted for at Tribal Council, people fighting over an Immunity Idol and Cole find himself unavailable to be voted out. She hits Survivor Ponderosa first, with CBS so graciously posting their excellent behind-the-scenes series on YouTube instead of just on the CBS website.
As the Mayor of Ponderosa, there’s not much for Desi to do but to talk to the camera and show off the food and drink she had while acclimating back into society. However, a rare coincidence saw one of the staffers of the resort reveal that they were competing in Miss World Fiji. Rare is it a time where you meet someone competing in a beauty pageant of regard; rarer is there a time when a prospective contestant stumbles into a former Miss USA Top 10 contestant to offer up tips!
For those who are looking to get into pageantry, Desi seems to be a good teacher. Leading with your hips when you walk, leaning back to accentuate your height, letting your arms swing freely, letting your hip drop on the statuesque pose, maintaining eye contact with the judges on the turn; who knew that Survivor Ponderosa could be so educational!
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It’s an odd video in that it may be one of the first to spend so much time on a player helping others, but as the commentary brings it back to Desi, you can tell that she loves to impart expertise on others that are willing to listen. It gets dark by the time they’re done! It’s a shame that Desi didn’t weave her way into the important part of the season’s narrative, as you can see her character shine through in this video.