With the fate of the game in the balance, former players tweeted their thoughts on Survivor season 35 episode 8 castaways diving into the sand for an advantage.
As the Healers dwindled down from five to four at the merge, Survivor season 35 set itself up for a good ole fashioned Pagonging. It’s quite a difficult task to pull off considering that it’s two tribes teaming up to take out the strongest, but it just goes to show you how a position of strength as one can’t stand up against the forces of two working together.
With Joe using a Hidden Immunity Idol, all he could do is look back and smile as he got bested. Meanwhile, Lauren was the first to find the Secret Advantage from the bundle of nails provided at the merge, giving her an opportunity to sit out this vote in order to secure her own vote at a later date.
The Reward Challenge came much quicker than anticipated, with two teams of five running up an obstacle to a giant slingshot, with five hits on five distant targets wins the challenge. Instead of somebody sitting out, the randomly selected 11th player got to go with the winning team automatically.
The weirdest part of the Reward Challenge was that Jeff Probst made it clear the 11th person sitting out would determine the order of who would get to eat as part of a communal plate of spaghetti. Of course, that made it blatantly clear there was some sort of clue hidden at the reward, with a hidden message written into the plate.
Before the digging near the tribe flag began, Chrissy went into her second spat of loud whispering to an ally, clearly not socially aware in the game to know how to act against opposing players. Sure enough, she tipped her hand to Cole, and soon enough (right after Ryan retrieved it) an all-out brawl ensued for the Hidden Immunity Idol.
The second Survivor season 35 Individual Immunity Challenge included holding up a stick to prop up a statue as you balance on a balance beam. It’s not too original, and bugs crawling on your body became a problem as it did to Ken in Millennials vs. Gen X!
With Cole Medders winning immunity and staying safe, one of the 10 other players in the game had to be voted out. Much deliberation was had over getting rid of Joe or Desi, with Joe pitching the idea that Ben is a threat (while Ben overheard from a Spy Shack-like tree bunker). With his back against the wall, Joe went for a low blow.
As Tribal Council rolled along, many moving parts were in play. Lauren had to hide not voting, while Mike had to decide whether to stay with his alliance. Ben had to downplay his previous argument with Joe, and Chrissy had to get a comment in. While all this happened, Devon seemed a bit delirious.
In the end, the majority sought to keep Joe around with a 4-4-1-1 tie vote, with the majority later deciding to vote out Desi. She became the first member of the jury, making her the Mayor of Survivor Ponderosa. Everyone on Twitter was confused.
Next: Survivor: Ranking The Best Seasons
Survivor season 35 episode 9, “Fear of the Unknown,” airs November 22 at 8 p.m. ET.