#6. Ryan Ulrich
Rarely does someone who gets to narrate to the camera all season win in Survivor. The earlier we see them carry confidence in their gameplay, the bigger odds that we get to see their downfall. Ryan Ulrich is just the latest early narrator to have power usurped from underneath him, and now he’s more vulnerable than ever.
For most of the season, we’ve seen Ryan maintain an excellent social game and try to instill a sense of confidence and necessity in certain members of his alliance. However, Ryan’s fatal mistake was being comfortable, as he told Devon about his Hidden Immunity Idol while saying only he knew then told Ben the same thing.
After Ben and Devon shared notes, it awakened a beast inside Devon, as he plotted a scheme to get Ryan to burn his Hidden Immunity Idol while making Ben a secret agent to plot against Ryan and Chrissy. Now that Ryan used his idol, he’s no longer safe, making him one of the biggest targets remaining and ready to be eliminated.