#1. Devon Pinto
From a winner’s chance perspective, I still rather Lauren over Devon at this exact moment, but at the same time, I feel that Devon is the safest. His biggest moves are shifting the course of the game, but they’re so gradual and so cunning from a long-term standpoint, he doesn’t get flack for setting the plays in motion.
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For example, it was his suggestion that Ben remains at the upper echelon of the Round Table alliance to act as a spy. Even though Ben was putting on the performance of a lifetime and played his part beautifully, he does it on Devon’s suggestion, with Ben putting his neck on the line on his behalf.
Furthermore, when Ashley comes up to Devon in order to get Ben out, it’s Devon’s decision that determines who goes home. It’s his vision that everyone trusts, although Ben offering Devon a fake Hidden Immunity Idol in the next episode could be used for nefarious means.
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Even in that instance, I feel that Ben’s pulling the sheet over Devon’s eyes to keep both of them safe, as everyone likes Devon as a person yet overrates him as a player. That’s perfect for guaranteeing safety in Survivor season 35 episode 12, coming this Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET.