Survivor history: Determining the six eras of gameplay

Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images.
Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images.
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Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images
Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images

The Golden Age (Seasons 15-20)

The Golden Age provided the greatest run of seasons of the show to date. China, Micronesia, Tocantins, and Heroes vs. Villains, in particular, are particularly incredible to watch. These four seasons are in or very close to the top ten of season rankings done by any Survivor super fan.

Gabon and Samoa may not be as popular, but still worthy of being in this golden era. Gabon was a season that was incredibly unpredictable; the gameplay was so poor but so entertaining at the same time. The cast developed an unprecedented hatred for one another.

In addition, the Russell Hantz effect is a major reason the game still exists today. The post-merge collapse of Galu is remarkable. After an old-school style Tocantins, Russell Hantz was the catalyst of new school Survivor.

Idols are a major reason for this extraordinary run. Castaways figured out how to use them effectively, and the twist was still very fresh. Idol plays at Tribal Council produced great television.

Many great players changed the game in this era, which would culminate with Heroes vs. Villains. The 20th season is easily the best All-Star cast and often considered the best season in the show’s history. I think this season is super rewarding to watch.

Outside of the Hidden Immunity Idol and some tribe swaps, no Redemption Islands or legacy advantages were forced into the game. The game was simple but great. I think it is clear that this era featured the peak of Survivor.