Survivor competitors: Casting The Amazing Race with 10 Survivor duos

Screengrab via Global TV
Screengrab via Global TV
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Sandra Diaz-Twine Courtney Yates
Screengrab via Global TV

Sandra Diaz-Twine + Courtney Yates

Here’s another couple that has made it to the Final Tribal Council! Of course, Sandra Diaz-Twine did so by winning twice, but the three-time Survivor player is clearly down to play for a million dollars repeatedly in a manner that doesn’t trap her in a house for close to three months straight.

While I concede that the two likely aren’t going to be the fastest or the strongest on any challenges (even though Courtney Yates won an Immunity, and Jean-Robert didn’t), they would certainly be game to use advantages found in The Amazing Race that other teams might hold off doing. They’re absolutely going to U-turn a team if it means they guarantee another round of play, no matter who’s feelings they’ll hurt in the process.

More importantly, Sandra and Courtney are some of the most creative smack-talkers the show has ever seen, and are such a delight when devilishly working together. They know how to use proper strategy, and they know the limits of what they should say without going into Corinne Kaplan territory (well, maybe not Courtney). One is the rice to the other’s beans!